Aleksic sent an open letter to Vucic about Telecom – Politika


Today, the Vice President of the People’s Party, Miroslav Aleksić, sent an open letter to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, in which he asked to answer all questions about the Telecom business and the acquisitions disputed in previous years.

Aleksic sent an open letter to Vucic about Telecom 1Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrdja

Since the government and the assembly do not function in Serbia, the only institution and person who decides about everything in the country is you, president, and that is why I am writing to you with a request to answer questions related to the situation in the state company Telekom Srbija announcement, which is obviously serious. liquidity crisis, “Aleksić said in the letter.

According to the Popular Party, Aleksic considered it incredible that for months none of the competent state bodies has been announcing the issue of the controversial and corrupt acquisitions that Telecom carried out with the purchase of Copernicus Technology, Radius Vector and other smaller cable operators . they are “obviously paid at prices many times higher than the real value of those companies.”

Therefore, I hope that you, as president of the state, will answer all the questions about the Telecom business and the controversial acquisitions of previous years, especially since you stated on the Pink TV morning show that the Prva and O2 televisions were prevented from going down. in the hands of Dragan Djiilas and Dragan Solak. , which confirms that he is well aware of the controversial transactions carried out by Telekom, because the Copernicus company, as the object of the acquisition of Telecom, has bought these two televisions in the meantime, ”said the vice president of the Popular Party.

He added that “the prosecution is silent, the police are silent, the line ministers are silent, the Government of Serbia is silent”, and that the Telecom management tries to respond by “substituting theses and falsehoods”.

Aleksic specified that 500 million euros were spent on the purchases of the aforementioned companies, as well as that over-indebted and doubtful companies were bought with a continuous fall in income, for which more than 10 times the real value were paid.

“10 months ago, I first announced myself on this issue as a deputy in the Serbian parliament and asked questions about these controversial transactions carried out by the management of the state-owned company Telekom Srbija ad. After that, I and other opposition MPs asked. we repeat many times. “In August I filed a criminal complaint with the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office against those responsible in Telekom for carrying out the disputed acquisitions,” he said in the letter.

According to him, the proof that Telekom is going through a serious liquidity crisis is the fact that despite Telecom’s indebtedness of around 1.3 billion euros in recent years, the company had to issue corporate bonds worth 200 million euros. euros for the first time and so on. take on additional debt.

“The question is whether Telecom will be able to pay salaries to employees in the future with such a commercial policy.” It is especially debatable that most of those bonds were bought by the National Bank of Serbia, for the first time in history, and that is also proof that this is an obviously coordinated action in which the state is involved, “said Aleksić .

He added that the National Bank of Serbia invests exclusively in bonds with high credit rating, government bonds with the highest rating, short-term deposits of highly rated commercial banks, and that in this case the central bank “bought bonds from Telecom without credit rating, no prospect. ” with a coupon interest rate of four percent, which violates the policy portfolio of the National Bank of Serbia. “

He evaluated that this shows that the National Bank has begun to grant loans to refinance debts, and that had never been the practice before.

“President, on behalf of the citizens of Serbia, I ask you why there are no responses from the competent institutions on the acquisitions made.” “Why did the State Audit Institution, which is responsible for the control of state-owned companies, not control the acquisitions, process and report on the profitability of Telecom transactions in which hundreds of millions of euros guaranteed with loans were spent? Aleksic asked in an open letter.

He also asked the president “why the citizens of Serbia have not been paid Telecom dividends for the last two years”, as well as “what is Telecom’s total debt and if that company

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