Aleksić on the 2021 budget in front of the Assembly: Raspinički, irresponsible, unrealistic


Serbia’s projected budget for 2021 does not respect the priorities of citizens and the state, it is wasteful and we can expect a severe crisis in 2021, said People’s Party Vice President Miroslav Aleksić, who addressed the press in front of the Assembly .

Under the new budget, the government plans to encourage imports and wipe out domestic production, he said.

“More than half of Serbia’s budget comes from imports, the trend to support the import lobby continues, Serbia is becoming a market for foreign companies selling their products here, rather than supporting domestic production.” he added.

He said that uncontrolled borrowing will continue to cover the deficit, all under the guise of the crown of the crisis.

In 2021, a three percent deficit is predicted, and Aleksić says that relative to 2018, that’s a 183-fold increase. “The holes in the budget can only be closed with additional loans, so the government plans to borrow more. The budget is rapeseed, irresponsible, unrealistic and pre-election, not development, as Sinisa Mali would like to characterize it,” said.

As he said, no one who thinks about the economy and citizenship would focus on megalomaniacal projects like the national stadium in the years of crisis around the world. “The wasteful behavior can also be seen in the budget allocated to the government, the trend of wasteful behavior continues,” he said.

Our health system is collapsing, money is being wasted, the budget for the economy is already shrinking, the budget of the Anti-Corruption Agency is shrinking and the Statistical Office is receiving more money, because it needs to “falsify” official data Aleksić said.
