This summer, Aleksandra Prijović sought to unwind and unwind from the noise of the city with her family in Monaco.
Lepa Brena, Boba and the rest of the Živojinović family were waiting for them on the yacht, and everything was subordinate to little Aleksandar, who enjoyed being surrounded by love.
“To tell the truth, he and we enjoy it. He’s already aware of everything, so he enjoyed swimming all day. Our family gatherings are always beautiful and joyful wherever we are, and of course we all love the sea, that’s right. this was one of the unforgettable holidays. However, both Filip and I had work to do, so we returned to Belgrade after about twenty days, “says Aleksandra, revealing that she is still not sure what characteristics Filip and her son have, but who knows that like a dad.

“He is the center of everyone’s attention and he is such a good and cheerful boy that he always entertains us all. Now he is in the stage of growing up when he understands everything and sees everything, but he also wants to reach everywhere, so we keep the line with a good training around him … “I think it is too early because it is changing, but there are those who They say he looks like me. I recognize his traits and character often, “he said.
The beautiful singer also revealed that she wants more children and that neither the wife nor the sex of the baby are important to her.
“Of course we want to. We don’t care at all, whatever it is. Of course we would also like a girl, but it really doesn’t matter … When the time comes, there will be more children,” Aleksandra says laughing.
It was recently Philip’s birthday, and the gift, as well as a small celebration, was not lacking.
– We celebrated for the whole situation in a small circle of our friends and it was as wonderful as ever. We like to hang out, so these meetings are not strange to us. As for the gift, I prepared a surprise and gathered all the friends that Philip did not know. Certainly, I am sure that his favorite gift was a kiss from Aleksandar and I good morning … ”, reveals the singer.

Kurir.rs/K.Đ/Blic, Photo: ATA Images

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