
Aleksandar Š. one of the 11 Nis hackers, whose extradition was requested by the United States, agreed to the extradition, demanding that a simplified procedure be followed.

The Belgrade High Court announced yesterday that the preconditions for the extradition of Aleksandar Š. To the United States, indicating that this programmer stated at the September 30 hearing that he wants to be extradited according to a simplified procedure.

– As noted by the Deputy Prosecutor for Organized Crime, he considers that the procedural conditions precedent for extradition have been met, that is, to satisfy the request, and that the request with annexes submitted with the request for extradition of our citizens of the United States Unidos is in accordance with the International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act. and with the provisions of the bilateral agreement that Serbia has with the United States regarding the extradition of the defendants in one of these countries, which is the Extrajudicial Criminal Review of the Special Department for Organized Crime of the High Court of Belgrade on October 20. approved a decision establishing that the legal conditions for extradition to the United States of America have been met in order to carry out the procedure, as stated in the announcement from the Belgrade High Court.

What does that mean in practice?

As the source of “Blic”, familiar with the case, explains in connection with the extradition of Aleksandar Š. no appeals, additional requests will apply.

– Once this conclusion of the court is presented to the Minister of Justice, he will consider it and decide whether to approve the extradition. If you approve, Aleksandar Š. He will be the first Serbian citizen to be extradited to the United States under this procedure, on the basis of the Agreement – explains our interlocutor from the judiciary.

At the same time, Ksenija Krstić Fejatilano, a pregnant woman from the Philippines who was arrested together with the promoters, remains in custody. As we found out, she is in her ninth month of pregnancy and her due date is November 8.

– On two occasions we have presented a request that instead of imprisoning her, they put her under house arrest with electronic surveillance, because she has a high-risk pregnancy. This was also confirmed by the doctors, but so far we have not received a response from the court – says the defense lawyer of the arrested Milan Petrović for “Blic”.

IllustrationPhoto: RAS Serbia


As “Blic” wrote, in the extradition request of 11 Nis developers, the US prosecutors referred to the evidence they collected during the investigation, citing the statements of the investigators who worked on the case.

– Developers between the ages of 25 and 35 are suspected of creating trading platforms for binary options over the Internet. Then they found foreign investors, made false business transactions, false receipts for withdrawals and money transfers. They allegedly then closed the fake platforms and after a while they opened new ones with the same working method already elaborated, said a source from “Blic” who was familiar with the case.

According to him, the United States suspects that the developers acted from 2011 to June 2020, without specifying whether this group had a leader, or how investors paid money to the platforms, but also who “recruited” and in what way. American citizens get involved in the history of “online investing”.

All of the suspects are charged with three criminal offenses: conspiracy to commit criminal offenses, fraud and money laundering, for which they face a prison term (under US law) of up to 20 years.

A decision on extradition is pending

The US request for the extradition of the other 10 computer fraud suspects through various investment platforms, which are still in custody, has yet to be resolved because they oppose extradition.
