Aleksandar Šapić was elected President of the Municipality of New Belgrade


Today, Aleksandar Šapić was elected for the third time president of the Belgrade Municipality of New Belgrade.

“At the New Belgrade City Municipality Assembly session held on Tuesday, October 6, Aleksandar Šapić was elected President of the Municipality of New Belgrade from the list Aleksandar Šapić – Our President of the Municipality of New Belgrade,” says the release.

Photo: CSO New Belgrade / Promo

On that occasion, Šapić pointed out that the new government has all the conditions to be more successful than the previous one.

– First of all, I thank you for the confidence and the indicated choice, I congratulate the newly elected members of the Council, the President of the Municipal Assembly and all the people elected in today’s session of the New Belgrade Municipal Assembly. I hope that the newly formed parliamentary majority will do everything possible so that the inhabitants of New Belgrade feel the benefits of such a government, and I believe that it will be more successful than the previous one, all for the benefit of our new inhabitants of Belgrade, whose representatives we are all, New Belgrade Mayor Aleksandar Sapic said. that, in his third term, he was elected to that position.

Photo: CSO New Belgrade / Promo

In today’s session of the New Belgrade Parliament, by secret ballot, the Secretary of the Assembly, his alternate, as well as the members of the Municipal Council were elected.
