Aleksandar Šapić- It would be indecent if we did not enter the Serbian Government


The leader of the Serbian Patriotic Alliance (SPAS), Aleksandar Šapić, said it would be “indecent and politically unrealistic” if the political option he leads were to refuse to participate in the new Serbian government.

He, as a guest at Utisak nedelja, stated that the SPAS earned 15 times less than the Serbian Progressive Party, that he is clear about why a concentration government is being formed and that he would not even accept the offer if he was not clear about it.

He added that the care of the family, the department that will be headed by former Vecernji novosti editor Ratko Dmitrović, is close to SPAS, and that Vučić did not nominate Dmitrović for that position, but that it was a coalition decision.

“They have people who can do good, and I think (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic recognized what he was doing in New Belgrade and that had some political weight,” Sapic said.

He also evaluated that a concentration government is being formed due to the emergency situation in Serbia, that is, due to the coronary virus pandemic.

“If circumstances were normal, both the SPAS and the Socialist Party of Serbia would likely be left out of the ruling majority. Dmitrović deals with demographics and family … and while working in journalism, he worked on the preservation of the Serbian people. That is why it is a reference for that ministry, “he said. is Šapić.

He said that Dmitrović has been dealing with demographics and population policy for 15 years and that he is “absolutely a reference for that ministry.” He says he spoke a lot about the problems of the Serbian people. “He is a man with a broad education, he has been involved in journalism for a long time, he is always indirectly connected to politics, he has always tried to protect the Serbian people,” he said, adding that he constantly tweets something.

The director of the Open Society Foundation, Milan Antonijevic, said that Dmitrovic was not a logical choice for a new ministerial position, and that it was necessary to take into account the reasons not only for demographic decline and the departure of young people.

“It seems to me that (Dmitrović) has contributed more to the emigration of young people in the last 20 years … It is a way of representing attitudes, not just appearing on social media. There are many texts, and we must look at the region, its messages towards Croatia, for example, are often negative, “says Antonijevic.

He realizes that Dmitrović sent negative messages towards Croatia, that he has strange tweets and that he hopes that he will stop doing so, because everyone must be responsible for the word that is spoken publicly. It should contribute to something that is reconciliation, it is very difficult for me to imagine that Dmitrović will do that, but it may surprise, noted the guest of Utisak.

He also said that each member of the new government can say something positive and negative, and that it is important how much political will there will be so that the new representatives of the Executive Power can work.

Analyst Cvjetin Milivojevic says that when he saw that the Ministry of Social Dialogue would be formed and that Gordana Comic was planning to direct it, he remembered the novel “1984”.

“I shuddered, I think it is more appropriate to call it the ‘Ministry of the Monologue’. Any communication is based on dialogue, otherwise it would be (relevant) and the question of whether to eat. You have the door closed to the opposition, Comic “She behaved brutally while serving as speaker of parliament and was a defender (of the violation) of the political system in Serbia,” believes Milivojevic.

It adds that it was one of the main protagonists when 20 mandates were “taken away” from the Serbian Radical Party, that is, it accepted the argument that the mandates of the then leaders of the SNS and Tomislav Nikolić Vučić were lost.

Milivojevic adds that immediately after the elections, he assessed that the creation of an “authorized parliament and government” would follow, and that Vucic agreed with him when he said that the new government would be appointed by mandate and that he would resign as head of the SNS. The Constitution is binding. “

“The (term) government will be positive if Vucic seizes the time to prepare serious conditions for a serious democratic election,” Milivojevic concluded.
