“Albanians for Trump” called on the Albanian community to vote for the president of the United States, because “Biden apologized to Serbia”


The organization “Albanians for Trump” sent an open letter to the Albanian community in the United States, in which they asked to vote for the current president Donald Trump, because, among other things, they resent their opponent Biden and they apologize to Serbia for the bombing of NATO.

According to “Reporters”, the letter recalls that “Kosovo and Serbia, under the mediation of President Trump, recently reached an agreement in Washington.”

It is also claimed that Trump launched, as well as will fulfill, “his project for lasting peace and mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia,” Kosovo reports online.

In the letter, Trump’s rival and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is accused of doing nothing during Vice President Barack Obama’s term.

“Just a few weeks before the presidential elections, candidate Biden put forward a vague written proposal for relations between Kosovo and Serbia, but in the eight years that Biden has been vice president, he has done nothing but leave Kosovo unattended and completely forgotten. “. it says in the letter.

Video: Trump: They gave me two Nobel prizes, one is for Serbia and Kosovo
