ALBANIANS DISCOVERED THE KILLERS OF THE BEAUTIFUL BRANKA FOR SHAME: Confession of a police officer who arrested the executioners of a girl from Chakor, the Serbian father found the father dead on the road!


The handover took place on September 5, three days after the crime in Prokletije. “In a rage,” I was invited to the home of the criminal Rex Ahmetaj. His father took him out of the room, after a coffee and a brief conversation. Reggio, then eighteen years old, explained to me what he had done with his partner and accomplice Mehtaj. He also said where was the gun with which the beautiful Branka was killed.

And so the police solved one of the first monstrous crimes of the Albanians, exactly 45 years ago.

Thus, for the general public, a part of the kept secret, in a conversation with “Novosti”, reveals Veselin Simonović, a retired police officer, who replaced the Metohija flat in 1999 with Šumadija. The former Interior Ministry inspector explains how and why the other day he took a bus from Arandjelovac to our newsroom without prior notice. His story is a missing “stone” in the mosaic about the tragedy of Branka <2FEMININE>ukić, a nineteen-year-old girl.

STONE Father found it, carved it and made a monument to his daughter, Photographic Archive

On September 2, 1975, two Albanians who were looking after sheep saw a student, Branka Đukić from the village of Meteha, waiting for a bus to Peć in Čakor, near a tavern. They assumed that the beautiful girl would return home after doing her job in the city. They ambushed her on the way through the forest, to “embarrass” her.

“They didn’t rape her,” says Veselin. – On the contrary, they were beaten and scratched and that’s why Kur Mehtaj shot him in the head.

Branko’s body was found by Rade’s father, because he went looking for her in the early morning of September 3. He found his beloved dead, her skirts torn, lying on the road in the forest.


NOBODY knows how Branka’s father brought the gun into the courtroom, says Simonović. – I’ve never mentioned the possibility of revenge to anyone before. He approached the assassins calmly and aimed confidently. He didn’t want to hurt anyone else. He was sentenced before the same court to eight years, despite the fact that a petition was drawn up behind which were tens of thousands of people of all nationalities in the former RFSY, with the request for his release.

Photo Archive

Veselin Simonović, former Junik Police Chief, Photo by M. Anđela

Following the arrest of the criminals, at the final word of the trial in Bijelo Polje, Rade Đukić entered with a pistol. While waiting for the judges to report the verdict, he approached the defendants and shot Kur Mehtaj twice. In the head and the heart. Reggio escaped, throwing himself at the feet of the police.

– Rade was sentenced to eight years, but served about half of his sentence. He returned to Chakor and did not speak much to anyone. In the stream, a few hundred meters from where his son was killed, he dug a huge stone. He carved it himself for days and months. Then he dragged the monument from the stream up the mountain to the place where his daughter was killed. He left it there, and it is there today – Simonović tells us.


BY THE ACT of revenge of Rade Đukić in the District Court room in Bijelo Polje, the drama of the chakras became a legend. All the RFSY newspapers at that time wrote about the murder in the front pages.

“Večernje novosti” had a headline: “Father convicts daughter’s murderer in court.”

Our interlocutor remembers well how he arrested the criminals. He received information about the killers from Tafa Ljokaj, who was a local Decani politician at the time.

– There were several of us at the table in Rej Ahmetaj’s house, his father was desperate, the women only brought coffee and water. He begged us not to hit his son. And I gave him “rage”.

Photo Archive

Veselin further says that there were no problems in Bacija, the place where the murderer was hiding. It was, he says, alone in a police car, and the killer opened the door as soon as he heard the car on the mountain, then Simonović went to the place where he had left the weapon. The killer, Kur Mehtaj, said that he did not want to kill the girl.

– I have not spoken so far for the family of Tafa Ljokaj – this retired police inspector tells us. – Ljokaj died a long time ago, and recently I heard that his son passed away, so there is no danger that his compatriots in Metohija will take revenge on them. These Kosovo Albanians today are no longer those of our time, when it was known that face and honor have no nation or religion.


BRANKA’s relics were transferred from Metekh to Spuž on August 25, 1991, at the will of his family. It is engraved on her monument: “At Chakor High, she was greeted by bloodthirsty people, who will not go with them, revolvers ruled. She did not finish high school, but gave her head to the cheek.” it does. With this she lifts the eternal memory of her human greatness. “

With disgust, Simonović recounts how in the 1990s in Gornji Streoci, a huge monument (the only one of its size in Metohija) suddenly appeared in the Gornji Streoci cemetery, where the murderer of Branka asesukić was buried, where it was written that Kur Mehtaj was a “victim of Serbian terror”.

SOURCE In Chakor, where there used to be a bus stop, it is now a monument to Branko, Photo Facebook

– These young people committed a terrible crime, but their loved ones remained honest in the eyes of Serbs and Albanians of that time. Today is not an honest moment. Albanians know it. Some of them still call me on the phone today. Many are ashamed of today. And Branka, he deserves a street and a monument in the center of Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro … A monument to shame the present: the inspector ends the story.


BRANKA Đukić was born in 1956 in the village of Meteh, on the Čakor mountain. She finished three grades of high school in Berane with great success, and then she wanted to change schools because Peja was closer to her. In the wee hours of the morning, on September 2, 1975, she boarded a bus into the city at the Drim, carrying documents for the school she was supposed to go to on September 5.

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