Albanians are turning against Biden over statement on NATO bombing



27.10.2020. 11:30

In the letter, Trump’s rival and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is accused of doing nothing while he was vice president of Barack Obama.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Donald Tramp, Jo Bajden, Photo: Profimedia / EPA / Pixabay / illustration

The organization “Albanians for Trump” sent an open letter to the Albanian community in the United States, in which he called for the election of current President Donald Trump in the elections, because, among other things, they resent his opponent Biden and apologize to Serbia for the NATO bombing, Reporters reports.

This organization, among other things, cited the Kosovo issue as a reason to support the current head of the White House. The letter claims that Kosovo and Serbia, through President Trump, recently reached an agreement in Washington.

President Trump is also said to have launched and will fulfill his project for lasting peace and mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, writes Liriapres.

In the letter, Trump’s rival and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is accused of doing nothing while he was vice president of Barack Obama.

“Just a few weeks before the presidential elections, candidate Biden put forward a vague written proposal for relations between Kosovo and Serbia, but in the eight years that Biden has served as vice president, he has done nothing but leave Kosovo unattended and completely forgotten. “, He said. In this letter.

In the letter, Biden was also accused of apologizing to Serbia for the NATO bombing and renewing relations with Serbia, Kosovo reports online.
