Alarming Warning From Professor Danica Grujicic: Young People Die From Corona Due To Autoimmune Diseases



24.12.2020. 09:17

A lot of infected people are unaware that they have an autoimmune disease that, combined with kovid-19, even leads to death, says Dr. Grujicic.

Danica Grujicic

Danica Grujicic, Photo: Tanjug / Tanja Valic

The young people who have fallen ill kovida-19 They are increasingly losing the battle with this virus due to several hidden autoimmune diseases, he warned. Professor Dr. Danica Grujicic.

The biggest problem is that a large number of people do not even know that they have health problems, much less that they are carriers of any of the autoimmune diseases such as hashimoto, psoriasis, lupus, intestinal problems … only when they are attacked by a virus strong and insidious, as it is kovid-19, there is a sudden deterioration of health, complications, severe clinical pictures and, sadly, deaths.

On strike young

– As a doctor, neuro-oncologist, I know where I can expect complications from my patients and I prepare for that and do everything possible to avoid complications. I can’t understand how so many young people die, who were supposedly healthy before that. I am deeply convinced that the state of their immune system caused a severe clinical picture, but also fatal consequences for them. If we looked at all these people backwards now, I am convinced that we would find some autoimmune disease that even the infected might not have known they had, says Grujičić, noting:

– That is something that should concern us and in which we must work. The disease is such that drastic deterioration of health occurs hour after hour. So now you are talking to the patient, after two hours they report that they have resuscitated him. That is why it is very important that citizens call a doctor as soon as they feel the first symptoms, because the course of the disease is very uncertain.

An epidemic of disease

According to her, an additional problem in this epidemic is that there is currently an epidemic of cardiovascular, oncological and autoimmune diseases in our country.

– Now you have young women who only after the first, second, third miscarriage realize that they have an autoimmune disease, and one pill is enough to make them feel good. However, people are dragged by hospitals or to anyone and do not speak, because today my head hurts, tomorrow my spine hurts, the day after tomorrow my knee, because they are extremely atypical symptoms. That is why, unfortunately, when such a disease is combined with such an infection, complications and fatal results occur, the interlocutor believes.

The body reacts violently

Dr. Zarko Rankovic, an infectious disease specialist, agrees with Professor Grujicic’s statements. According to him, in addition to poor immunity, autoimmune diseases or some other chronic diseases, only a violent reaction from a healthy organism can have fatal consequences for the crown.

– There are no rules for its operation. The terrible thing is that this is why the young people and the candles lose the battle with their lives. Although they were not previously sick, when said virus enters the body and begins to attack healthy tissues and cells, there is a strong and violent immune response that leads to a severe clinical picture, but also to fatal consequences – emphasizes Prof. Dr. Ranković.

Autoimmune diseases

* Hashimoto syndrome (thyroid disease)

* psoriasis (redness and large areas of scaly skin, most often on the scalp, joints, or as a rash all over the body)

* lupus (a disease in which the defense system destroys organs and tissues, especially the skin, joints, blood, kidneys, heart, brain and lungs)

* multiple sclerosis (a disease of the central nervous system, characterized by inflammation and destruction of nerve cells)

* Inflammatory bowel disease


Symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

* Humor

* Muscle pain

* Swelling and redness

* Temperature

* Concentration problems

* Hair loss

* Osipi
