ALARM for all of Serbia! The former police chief warned of the most powerful criminal groups, the whole system has changed


At the same time, he claims, it is a message to public opinion that people in the world of crime are in the same status as the world of the establishment.

The confrontation between the state and organized crime is inevitable, and for the state to confront organized crime, special police teams must be formed that know that there is a political position that protects them, said former Belgrade police chief Marko Nicovic.

The state has realized that a group of people has been created who do not shy away from any kind of activity, not even against the state. It is a crime that in the meantime has grown financially and in terms of status.“He evaluated.

This crime has elevated their position in society, so, says Nicović, ordinary people are already afraid of them.

On the other hand, they became financially stronger because they entered the real estate business, bought companies under privatization, blew up and secured all the facilities in Serbia, especially in Belgrade. It is normal that crime should go further now with that extraordinary wealth. Crime only knows the pursuit of power and money“He points out.

Nicovic believes that crime already has “its” people in the police, the prosecution, the courts, the media and politicians.

The state realized it had to deal with it. That is unavoidable. On the other hand, the EU said we have Chapter 24 on organized crime“He says and recalls that organizational crime in Serbia killed many establishment people, such as Zoran Djindjic, Pavle Bulatovic, JAT director Zika Petrovic.

A special problem will be the fan groups that are untouchable. That is, 3-4 thousand people organized according to the military system, which Arkan established with Delija. The system is if you arrest someone, someone else comesHe thinks.

It highlights that criminal groups have confessed in the region and are helping each other.

They have no dislike for Serbs, Montenegrins, Albanians, Bosnians, Croats… They all work together – it is a kind of multinational regional association – companies. They exchange services, for example, someone from Serbia kills for someone in Podgorica, and this one from Podgorica kills for him in Belgrade. And there is no money, service for service. That will be an additional problem for the police.“, Nicovic believes.

As a good approach to dealing with this type of crime, he cites the experiences of large countries that have special teams of people to fight organized crime. He cites the example of Italy when Adreoti was the Prime Minister and Kraksi the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his ties to Cosa Nostra and the boss of that mafia, Toto Rino.

Then they even killed Borselin, Falcone, Delaquiese, but the state created a special team which later overthrew both the Prime Minister and the Minister. This means that a new approach must be made, a new system. And take the experience of the great foreign police how it works against people who have money and power.“He says.

He adds that in that fight we must not forget that since they have power, especially financial power, criminals can carry out any kind of assassination on the Serbian political scene, either alone or at the instructions of foreign factors. He believes that the confrontation is inevitable because organized crime is already spreading from Serbia, as the largest country in the region, but it is also spreading to Serbia.

Practice around the world has shown that the Serbian police must create their own intelligence network outside Serbia in the countries of the region, Greece and Turkey, to find out in time what acts are being prepared.He thinks.

Nicovic estimates that the regulations in Serbia are quite sufficient and quite clear for such a confrontation between state and crime.

But the point is that you have to give a political stance to the police who would set themselves on fire. That you are sure you will be protected if you crash and get into high temperatures”He says and adds that it is a bad message if the police chiefs hug and kiss with people from the underworld.

At the same time, he claims, it is a message to public opinion that people in the world of crime are in the same status as the world of the establishment.

This then creates a feeling of insecurity for the common man.“He says.

Nicovic believes that the formation of special teams outside the classic police training system is the only way to break the link between organized crime and the people who are part of the system in Serbia.
