AIR TAXI GROWING POPULAR IN SERBIA: 7 operators, 26 planes


These are operators that have up to 10 passenger seats.

The companies that deal with public air transport are Air Pink, Air Serbia, Balkan Helicopters, Eagle Express, MCP Air, Prince Aviation and Sky Bridge.

According to the Directorate, the total number of planes with up to 10 passenger seats, which are used by these seven operators, is 26 (23 planes and 3 helicopters).

Tangosiks aviation portal editor-in-chief Petar Vojinović says for B92 that a person can own a plane, but believes that it is impractical to use it personally due to all the safety requirements prescribed by state regulatory authorities, B92 reports.

However, he points out that it is an incredibly good investment, if someone owns five million euros.

“The plane is bought and then rented, so only the operators put it on the market and bear the costs of the pilots’ salaries, maintenance, training, fuel and administration,” Vojinovic said, noting that Prince Aviation and Air Pink are the two largest taxi companies in the region. and beyond.

Vojinović believes that our market is too small for this business, so most of those flights come from third markets.

According to him, most planes are rented on a lease basis, often from the companies that bought them, but it is too expensive and impractical for them to use them only for their own needs.

Vojinović also points out that air taxi transportation saves business people a lot of time because the flight schedule is irrelevant, just as business flights are scheduled with jets.

As he claims, in the larger airports, including “Nikola Tesla” airport, there are special VIP terminals that eliminate crowds and waiting.

The CEO of “Prince Aviation”, Vladimir Jovanović, affirms that the company has four Cesna family aircraft in its fleet, and flies with them in the Euro-Mediterranean area and with destinations in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

He noted that the coronavirus pandemic in mid-March almost completely paralyzed passenger transport in air traffic, so Prince Aviation and other airlines around the world implemented measures to ensure safe flights.

“Due to the nature of its business (direct flights, fewer passengers and the use of special terminals), commercial aviation is recovering somewhat faster than regular air traffic,” said Jovanovic.

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