Air Serbia paid off debt, analysts: Copernican trade, no profit


The fact is that fewer planes have ever flown over the Vojvodina fields. The national airline Air Serbia shares the fate of all airlines in the world: the coronavirus epidemic has almost completely stopped air traffic and caused great losses in that sector. Air Serbia’s “stone around the neck” at the time of the pandemic was also a 56.5 million euro loan from “Etihad partners”, which came in for payment.

Although Air Serbia first requested a reduction of the claims, which the creditor rejected, word came three days ago that Air Serbia had paid the debt on its own. Economic analysts ask: where did the national airline get its money, when there were no profits?

Planes on the ground, desolate skies and deserted airports: the coronavirus epidemic has put airlines in a financial situation never more difficult.

The suspension of commercial passenger traffic and the precipitous fall in revenues did not bypass the national airline “Air Serbia”, which also received a loan from 2015. The 56.5 million euros that “Air Serbia” borrowed ago five years to the Etihad investment company “Etihad partners”.

A recent request from “Air Serbia” read: Reduce our debt to survive, but the creditor rejected that request. From the fact that there is no money for a loan, to the fact that the management of “Air Serbia” boasts that the debt was paid by itself and the praise of the Government, not much has happened.

The great news is that the Serbian national airline Air Serbia, despite the difficult situation in which air traffic finds itself, managed to settle all its outstanding obligations for an amount of about 57 million dollars with the creditor “EA partners 1” . “With various speculations that we had the opportunity to hear in previous months and speculation about how Air Serbia will not be able to pay off its debts, our national airline paid all its obligations on time,” said Sinisa Mali, Minister of Finance.

The director of that company assures the public that Air Serbia managed to pay the debt without the help of the State. Duncan Naismith says: Air Serbia implemented savings, streamlined the business and thus managed to settle its obligations.

“The Serbian national airline expresses great satisfaction that it provided the funds for the payment of obligations assumed independently, thanks to responsible business before the coronavirus pandemic, as well as extensive austerity measures and business rationalization to all levels, “said Air Serbia.

Copernican commerce: thus commented the economic journalist Miša Brkić for N1 about the payment of the disputed debt. It is hard to believe that the state has not given money from the budget – says Brkić and adds that under these conditions, that company could not “create” money to pay the debt.

“That should mean that the Copernicus turnaround took place in the air transport market, that all planes from all airlines took off, that air traffic is running better than ever, that Air Serbia has the highest number of passengers in the world. history of transport. Of course, none of that to the contrary, there is no doubt that the Government of Serbia was behind the repayment of the loan and withdrew from the budget “, believes Brkić.

Brkić also compares the debt amount of around 56 million euros with the total profit of “Air Serbia” and says that the national airline has not had so many profits from 2013 until today. He is convinced: the state has already planned that aid in the budget, or the money came from the budget part “for emergencies and emergencies.”

“The state has not yet helped Air Serbia financially”

Meanwhile, a response came from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to H1 television’s request. They claim that the EU has approved the granting of state aid to airlines to its members and other signatories to the Agreement on the establishment of a common European airspace.

It is added that “the Republic of Serbia supports the initiative and will do whatever is necessary to repair the damage suffered by the national carrier as a result of the pandemic.”

For now, the state has not helped Air Serbia financially, but only humanitarian aid transport services have been paid for in order to repatriate our citizens around the world, in the period of intense spread of the disease. “
