Air Serbia is forced to reduce the number of employees and wages


Air Serbia, like other airlines in the world, is suffering the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, which has significantly reduced air traffic.

“Taking into account such a long period of business interruption, the company can no longer support the existing level of costs, so it is forced, in addition to other initiatives launched so far to reduce costs, start the process of reducing the number of employees. employees, as well as salary reductions, “stated” Air Serbia “in a written response Tanjugu to questions about the consequences of the epidemic on the operations of the national airline and the measures they are taking to reduce the damage.

“Air Serbia” declares that, as a responsible employer, it wants to offer the best possible conditions to employees who are declared laid off, so that termination of employment does not jeopardize the social status of employees and their families.

Employees who are declared dismissed on the basis of a voluntary request will receive benefits and a greater scope of rights in relation to the conditions prescribed by the Labor Law.

The situation in the field of passenger air traffic worldwide has been extremely difficult since the start of the corona virus pandemic in mid-March, the Serbian airline points out.

They also point out that due to the consequences of the pandemic, the entire industry is going through a number of challenges, primarily including a significant reduction in workload and therefore revenue.

As they claim, there is practically no airline that is not affected, and “Air Serbia”, unfortunately, is no exception in that regard.

They point out that most airlines have already taken or are preparing to take restructuring measures, in the form of adapting their human and material resources to the new business conditions in the kovida 19 environment and drastically reducing the workload.

“For eight months, Air Serbia, with exceptional efforts, streamlining operations and reducing costs, has found ways to amortize to some extent the consequences of the global crisis on air traffic,” the company notes.

In addition, from the beginning, the company has set as priorities the preservation of employment and the protection of employment, in addition to the safety and health of employees, they point out in “Air Serbia”.
