Agreed with Belivuk on the liquidation of Pink Panther Ljepoja


Nis resident Marko Andrić, alias Kuzman, whose recordings of conversations that could be heard telling the story of the leader of the “Pink Panthers” gang, Milan Ljepoja, disappeared and suspected of being murdered by a criminal organization, was arrested on Thursday. in Nis.

He is charged with the crime of illegal possession of weapons and drugs, and as he has been previously convicted, he was in preventive detention for up to 30 days after being questioned by the Prosecutor’s Office.

Earlier, a conversation between Kuzman and Veljko Belivuk was posted.

– I say hello, brother, we are not putting you in danger in any way, we are not going to interfere in your business or yours. I would ask my brother and you and all of you to take care of your affairs and not interfere in things that do not concern you.

In the second recording, Kuzman transmits the report of the conversation to Velja Nevolja.

– I have to tell you, to make it familiar to you. She is Mance out of nowhere. It is as big as the Pink Panther. I say, ‘Oh, I don’t see it. I don’t want to spread around bro, no worries, just shoot asap. Okay. I say, ‘I don’t want to spread around without worries, brother, just say what you need, I’m here.’ Well, since he’s asking about you, he came up with the clever idea that he will be the main one in Nis and he gathers some guys. And one of those cowards told me to ask for you, to keep you in Nis, but that you are the worst and that he will solve you and then he takes over the city. Where can we skin him, let him come together whenever he wants, but in the other world?


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
