AFTER ZORAN, HIS WIFE WAS ATTACKED IN GRAČANICA: Albanians threw stones at Jelena Trajković – “it’s not life” (VIDEO)


He said the provocations continued and that his family was considering moving, if similar incidents continued.

The police immediately reacted to Jelena Trajković’s report and spoke to a group of young Albanians, after which one was arrested. In a conversation with the police officer, Trajković again asked that security be provided for his family.

– This continue. I don’t know what will happen next and what the next steps will be on your part. I hope someone reacts and stops this, because otherwise we will move from here. I don’t want to live a life like this with a one year old. I can’t go out into the yard to walk the child. That’s not life – says Jelena Trajković for RTV Gračanica.

For the Serbs of Kišnica, the incidents are not new, since they have suffered various attacks for years, especially since the moment a playground was built, where exclusively Albanian youth are concentrated.

Let us remind you, Zoran Trajković was thrown with stones and glass bottles last night by a group of young Albanians who shouted “KLA”. Trajkovic was not injured in the incident.

By the way, Kišnica is a settlement at the entrance to Gračanica, where a billboard with the “KLA” emblem and the inscription “Freedom has a name” appeared three days ago, disturbing the local Serbian population. The billboard was set on fire and removed today.

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