After urgent inquiries, it will be known if 1st-4th grade students will switch to ONLINE CLASSES


DECISION WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS: After urgent inquiries, it will be known if 1st to 4th grade students will switch to ONLINE CLASSES

Photo: Marina Lopičić / Illustration

The decision about the youngest primary school pupils and how they will attend classes will be taken tomorrow after talks between members of the Serbian Government and the medical part of the Crisis Staff.

The initiative to once again consider the transition of younger founders to online classes was initiated by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and Minister of Education Branko Ružić. The two agree that due to the problems that parents have because they have to go to work and the children cannot stay home alone, the staff’s proposal that even the youngest children attend online classes should be put back on the table. .

The Prime Minister and the Minister believe that students in grades 1 to 4 should continue to attend school. This attitude especially applies to champions and second graders. However, the decision was not made in today’s session of the Serbian Government, because another consultation with the doctors will be held in the Crisis Staff.

The medical part of the staff believes that all students should switch to online classes because the new strain of the corona virus is “descending” on the youngest, and now they can not only be more frequent carriers, but also get sick.

At first, the request of the medical part of the Headquarters was that the little ones not go to school this week, but that was postponed until next Monday at the suggestion of the members of the Government of Serbia.

However, learning from home for the little ones is a terrible problem for parents because many work and have no one to take care of them. During last year’s quarantine, when even the smallest learned from home, a measure was passed according to which one of the parents can stay at home. Now, however, that is not the case and most parents are in dire straits.

It takes at least 14 days to reduce the circulation of the virus.

Crisis staff members, Dr. Predrag Kon and Branislav Tiodorović, have been emphasizing for the past two days that the current five days of lockdown measures are too short to take effect. As they say, it takes at least 14 days to reduce the circulation of the virus.

At the same time, Dr. Kon announced that the measures for certain activities could be relaxed and that they could start working. This refers to small businessmen, shoemakers, hairdressers … This announcement was well received by the leaders of the city of Belgrade, and the president of the City Assembly, Nikola Nikodijevic, said that the city of Belgrade has been advocating for the prescription of special measures for certain activities. and rigorous control and punishment of those who violate them. But entrepreneurs should be able to work.

As for the schools, it is still unknown for certain activities how much the medical part of the Headquarters will be ready for mitigation and what the commitment will be in the end.


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Author: delivery courier
