After these words from Sergeant Dragan Matić, the NATO planes fell four times, AND SO THE SECOND F-117 WAS AFFECTED!


Give it to me, give it to him, I got it: These words were uttered with enthusiasm four times by Sergeant Dragan Matić during the NATO aggression against Serbia at the missile station of the Third Division of the 250th Air Defense Brigade, and an explosion flashed in heaven four times after that.

He is the only man in the world who shot down four NATO planes. The fourth air victory, now retired ensign, and full division and brigade, on April 30, 1999, was confirmed by the Canadian trade magazine “Afterbrn” in its December issue. The “pilot” of another “invisible” plane, less than a month after the accident of the first one in Budjanovci, was testified by the American pilot Charlie Tuna Halein, then leader of the pair of bombers “F-117”, who flew to Belgrade from the German base. According to Halein, the plane was severely damaged, landed at a NATO base in Germany and never took off again.

The “manual guide operator” in the SAM system, Dragan Matić and Đordje Aničić, lieutenant colonel and deputy commander of the unit, testify exclusively about April 30, 1999 and the unknown victory of our rocket launchers. We are talking on the “battlefield”, in the area of ​​the former Petrovčić rural economy, near Belgrade, where the rockets took off.

– Major Boško Dotlić was then in cockpit number one, then Lieutenant Tiosav Janković, Sergeant Igor Radivojević took the manual guidance in the F1 position, and I was in the position to lead F2, Matić recalls. – It is true that I was the first to see and capture the target on my guide screen, and then followed the famous: “Hit it, hit it, I got it” Dotlić then switched the rocket guidance to manual mode and the projectiles took off from the ramps of Major Roksandić and Lieutenant Miodrag Stojanović. We knew we hit it after a few seconds. The second rocket missed the plane, and if it had, the “F-117” would have landed between Nova Pazova and Batajnica.

photo: Profimedia

– On the western outskirts of Belgrade, moving north, one of the pilots of the accompanying group warned of the launch of the SAM. That was about 30 or 40 seconds before he was supposed to drop the bombs. I looked to the right over Belgrade and saw a huge rocket approaching, it looked like an intercontinental “Saturn V”. I knew my colleague number two was somewhere. Then I saw another launch, a great blaze again. Then a ball of fire in the place where my partner was supposed to be …

Hayline goes on to say that she started the “F-117” and kept the autopilot on:

– As I was moving towards the target, one rocket exploded and the other went to the sky. I didn’t know if my man was hit …

Lieutenant Colonel Anicic recalls that at the time of that fight, he was in the center of town with the security officer Crnobrnja. It says that a few seconds after the rocket was launched, they ran out of the MZ facility downtown and that at that moment, a “damage” anti-radar missile flew overhead:

– We saw that it would fall in the town of Petrovčić. A few hundred meters from us, a rocket hit a flagpole at house number 53.

Illustrationphoto: print screen

Aleksandar Prokoplić, the owner of the house in front of which the projectile fell, tells the continuation of the story about the drama in the domesticated of Srem. Uncle Aca says he remembers everything as if it were yesterday.

– Both sons, Zivan and Miroslav, were injured then. The blast cut through the post and the detonation “brought” a metal gate into the courtyard. Fortunately, the shrapnel injured their children more easily, and my Ružica and I were unharmed. Kera was killed by us; the old man’s face twitches.

In retaliation for NATO, a girl Zora Ljubinković from the neighboring house, who was “hit through the window” by shrapnel, and veterinarian Obrad Krgović were also wounded by a rocket. The projectile was cut by a brown projectile. Tiles flew in up to eight houses!

– Our division doctor, Dr. Milan Đukić (later director of “Tiršova”), was the first to help the wounded – continues Aničić. – Mine turned off the devices, but all that morning NATO planes were swarming over us. It was the seventh time we had been shot and the eleventh position we occupied in just seven days of war.

The lieutenant colonel further says that the unit never suspected that they had hit the “F-117” and that it was recorded in detail in his war diary and later in the book “The Guard”. Laughing, he remembers that “our” people did not recognize that coup of April 30 after the war, despite the fact that everything said that the NATO plane was damaged.

– That night, a few kilometers from the post, the Air Defense General, then Colonel Mladen Karanovic, Head of the ARJ Air Defense Administration, as well as Colonels Vitomir Andjelkovic and Ivanovic, along with another major, were found – Anicic testified.

– When they reached the center of the village, where we were still helping the wounded, Karanović and the team congratulated us on the hit, testifying that they saw a flash and smoke behind the hit plane. However, the military regulations are such that there is no recognition of the effect without a testimony, and we could not show the incident.

Dragan Matic’s “hand” that guided the projectile cost NATO about three billion dollars, which is the value of the plane. The war “cost” him diabetes, which is why he “lost a toe” at the Military Medical Academy last year.

– Life is a torment. After the war, a small pension and worries about how to survive a family. I have a one bedroom apartment and I have a larger one. The five of the division have not yet solved that problem. If the world is already taking its hat off to us, it would be good if the state did its thing. We are waiting – concludes Matic.

Manually guided missiles on target

– Commander Boško Dotlić (pictured) commanded firing on the aforementioned “F-117” but also “F-16”, on May 2 on Cer, when he shot down David Goldfein, the former commander of US aviation. Zoltan Dani and I handled the shooting on March 27, when the first “invisible” fell near Budjanovac – says Aničić.

– There is no such missile unit in the world and a man like Dragan Matić, who manually aimed at the target all the missiles that were destroyed by NATO aircraft.

The lieutenant colonel says he is finally satisfied that in February of this year, the then Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin returned the name of the Third Division to the formation of the Armed Forces, which was closed.

– There was no ceremony, but the rocket launchers have a holiday when they get new weapons, just like our old brigade received “armor” – says Aničić.

( novosti, D. Vujicic)

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