After the treatment in Nis, Arifi returned to Presevo and appreciated the care and effort


The mayor of Presevo, Šćirpim Arifi, announced himself tonight after kovida 19’s treatment from his home, after arriving from Niš hospital.

“Without exaggeration, I can tell you that I went through a health challenge like never before, it was even a fight for life and death. In a moment of silence, remember all those who lost their lives in this global pandemic and pray for our brothers, sisters, parents, friends who are now fighting the corona virus, ”said Arifi on his Facebook page, from which He also informed the public when he was transferred to Nis due to the worsening situation, reports KoSSev.

“During the transfer to the hospital, I chose an institution in the region where the absolute majority of the citizens of the Presevo Valley go. I received advice and support to move to Germany (where I was born) and to all the hospitals in Kosovo, Albania and elsewhere. I thanked everyone for their attention. “Because it is impossible for me to be privileged and separate from the citizens of the Presevo Valley who are hospitalized in these regional hospitals. And that’s how I met many compatriots who were treated in these hospitals, despite the fact that we have our centuries-old political objections to the country in which we live. “Arifi added.

The medical staff of the Nis hospital for a professional and humane treatment is on the long list of those he thanked, he said.

“And the Minister of Health, who promised me that all patients, regardless of their nationality, will be treated with the greatest possible professionalism,” Arifi also pointed out, thanking the Presevo Health Center, the municipality and other Presevo institutions.

“First of all, I thank God, the creator of the universe, who gave me the opportunity to return to my children, parents and wife, and I also bow to him as a reminder that we are only temporarily in this world, we are of service of our country, society and people ”, is one of the messages.

Arifi sent messages of thanks to the President and Foreign Minister of Albania, the Mayor of Tirana, as well as the Foreign Minister of Kosovo, the Minister of Justice, whom he said was his friend.

He also addressed the citizens of Presevo: “I am extremely concerned by the latest developments in the country and the region regarding the fragile situation and the serious challenges with the global Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, let me remind you (a once again) that this extraordinary situation needs a sense of responsibility, discipline and social solidarity. Together we have overcome all the challenges of decades and I am so convinced that together we will overcome this next battle. “

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
