Slobodan Bubnjevic, science journalist and physicist, measured anti-fabric after the first and second doses of the Chinese Sinofarm coronavirus vaccine and concluded that already on the twentieth day after the first dose he had sufficient protection, that is, the IgG antibody titer against protein S (Spike) was 70.6. Twenty days after the second dose, his titer was measured 12 times higher, that is, 870.7.
This, as Bubnjevic says, means that, like hundreds of millions of other people, the vaccine has been successful in trains your immune system to make anti-fabric, and “any contact with the coronavirus will eventually be fatal to that creature.” The time is coming, he adds, when the virus, instead of us, will become the one that worries. He received the first dose of the vaccine on January 23.
– In the following weeks, I wore a mask and respected the measures, I followed several encouraging statistics from Israel and Scotland, but was of course interested in whether the vaccine affected me too – Bubnjevic described his experience on Facebook. Doctors, as he added, quite rightly advise that antibodies should not be tested too early, but rather wait patiently for at least two weeks after the second dose.
– That is the only correct advice, because you can be exposed to the stress of a negative result for no reason. The tests available in our private labs are excellent, albeit semi-quantitative (so there is no point in comparing them with each other, especially for various vaccines), but they still see only a distant effect of immunity. But for the sake of the experiment, I was already tested on the 20th from the first vaccination. Fully aware of the probability of a negative result, I just tried my luck. In the lab, I measured IgG antibodies against the spike protein (S) and was lucky. I got a positive result: 70 (CMIA test, where the reference value is 50). Such a title at such an early stage testified not only to the sensitivity of the test, but was also a sure sign that after the first dose, science won and my adaptive immune system learned to recognize the coronavirus and develop weapons to destroy it. . – he says.
A day later he received an SMS call for revaccination, and 20 days later he was tested again:
– Again, again for the test, in the same interval after the second dose, in the same laboratory, I measured IgG antibodies against protein S. I got a positive result again, but now with a twelve times higher titer: 870.7. With this increase, the gradual effect of the vaccine is more than evident. And if there are not too many mutations, as if it were a possible nursery for a year, a danger to me and everything around me, now I am a walking barrier where the virus can only die. I also believe that over time, the studies will show that vaccinated people do not transmit the virus, but until then I respect the measures because it is an elemental solidarity with those who did not receive the vaccine.
(žica Kantar)
photo: RTS Youtube print screen
Of the million vaccinated, 800,000 will not be infected
Dr. Milanko Shekler, virologist and microbiologist at the Specialist Veterinary Institute “Kraljevo”, pointed out that if the vaccine is declared as effective 95 percent as Pfizer or 80 percent as China, it certainly means that 200,000 out of a million Those vaccinated will theoretically be infected, but they will also have a very mild picture.
– If a million are vaccinated, 800,000 will never be infected. Of those 200,000, 190,000 will not even know they have been infected, and perhaps a small percentage of people will be infected with some mild clinical condition. Only a certain number of people, only a few hundred can have therapeutic measures, but they will not be life threatening – says Shekler, adding that antibodies are not the only protective produced by the vaccine, and that the results are not something that we should presume. and compete with each other.
Dr. Marija Gnjatović: The tests are different, they are not to compare
Actor Branislav Trifunović boasted on Twitter that two weeks after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, he developed a fantastic amount of antibodies, up to 9,660.5 units, while the reference value is 50. Many fellow citizens shared similar results in the previous days, and Dr. Marija Gnjatović from the Institute of Application of the Nuclear Energy Agency (INEP) tells Kurir that different laboratories work with different tests and that the results are not comparable:
Photo: Screen Print / Pink
– Third party tests have other units and scales. They cannot be compared with the INEP tests, because they have other reference values.