After the news that EXIT SE MOVE DE NOVI SAD, a meeting was held with the mayor and here is what was agreed


After the media in the region published the news that due to the crisis caused by the pandemic, the Exit Festival is considering moving from Serbia, a meeting was held in Novi Sad today between Mayor Miloš Vučević and representatives of the Exit team.

At the meeting, the mayor learned about the very difficult situation in which the entire music economy and demonstrations in Serbia and the world were, as well as the practice of European countries in terms of supporting their most vulnerable industries. During the talks, the interlocutors expressed a common wish that Exit continue with the development of festivals in Novi Sad and Serbia.

– The importance of Exit for tourism and the international image of Novi Sad and Serbia is immeasurable, and that is why I tell my dear colleagues in the region that Exit will remain forever in Novi Sad. Even in a year like this in which its core business has been virtually wiped out, Exit has found a way to make us proud again by achieving a strategic partnership with the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and the world’s largest humanitarian organization, the World Food Program at the United Nations. that millions of people around the globe saw fantastic new photos of the Petrovaradin Fortress and Novi Sad, as well as the whole of Serbia, through Exit’s Life Stream.

The founder of Exit, Dušan Kovačević, warned that the music scene and domestic demonstrations were about to disappear and suggested to the mayor of Novi Sad that other cities in the country support their demonstrations, as Novi Sad did, that despite the pandemic did not reduce cultural and tourism benefits. .

– At our request, support for Exit has mostly shifted from the culture budget for years to the tourism development budget, because it is in this field where the festival contributes the most to the local community. I am glad that this year we managed to save jobs, with very difficult cuts and, above all, fanatic work. It is not just about figures and statistics, but about living young people who love their city, want to stay and live in it and work tirelessly to continue celebrating it on the international scene – Kovacevic pointed out.

The meeting noted that to accelerate the recovery of Novi Sad’s tourism economy, every effort should be made to eradicate the fact that young people will be the first to dare to travel again, when better epidemiological conditions are met next year. . The Exit Festival has contributed more than 200 million euros to the national tourism economy since its founding, with the next 200 million expected by 2030, while the value of promoting Serbia is often claimed as “invaluable”.
