AFTER THE CROWN, A NEW DANGER THREATENS US! Doctors warn of the disease with the G-93.3 code, it is not a joke, BEWARE of these symptoms


When we finally fight the corona virus, a new danger arises.

Chronic fatigue doesn’t sound dangerous, but it’s not a joke, it’s a serious illness.

We are entering a transition phase of the seasons, until now accompanied by spring fatigue and which usually occurs every year after the winter period. However, if the feeling of fatigue, weakness and weakness lasts more than a few months, it is very likely that the disease in question will be registered as chronic fatigue that can cause serious consequences, including disability, said Prof. Dr. Branislav Milovanović , Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade, as well as President of the Serbian Neurocardiology Association and Director of the KBC Neurocardiology Laboratory “Bežanijska kosa” as a guest at RTS.

This doctor emphasizes that spring fatigue should not be confused with chronic fatigue, because “this is a disease that must be treated,” and the process itself can be very long and difficult, especially now for those who have had the coronavirus.

What exactly is chronic fatigue?

Professor Milovanović explains that chronic fatigue is a disease that was recognized by the World Health Organization and received the code R-53.8 last year, and G-93.3 has already existed since 1969 as a “post-viral fatigue syndrome” . As he says, because of that, he will now be specially represented after the covid infection.

As he himself says, most people attribute the current fatigue to a prolonged covid, but you have to be careful because this disease is among the most serious in the world, such as oncological diseases and AIDS, and that is why you have to take it Seriously.

Especially in young people

Professor Milovanović, who has been dealing with this problem for 20 years, points out that the worrying thing is that this disease occurs mainly in young people.

He points out that those who have suffered from some type of viral infection, especially the most common kovid at this time, should be careful in case of some symptoms such as rapid fatigue, poor concentration, nervousness and anxiety, etc., and believes that these symptoms should not be taken lightly., of the following. Even if frequent headaches and muscle and joint aches occur in the meantime, and if they last for more than six months, it’s probably chronic fatigue, he says.

The professor cites some other symptoms to recognize the disease, such as muscle play, tingling, dizziness when getting up or loss of consciousness, gastrointestinal tract problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome and similar problems.

He says that experiences have shown that with a multidisciplinary approach, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome need at least seven months to two years for the body’s functioning to return to normal.

Professor Milovanović, with many years of experience treating these problems, explains that when testing is done, the damage can be seen exactly, especially the baroreflex in the carotids that regulate pressure. It is said that it manifests itself mainly as frequent variations in the patient’s blood pressure, as well as in the pulse, so it advises frequent cardiac controls, and emphasizes that the treatment must be multidisciplinary because this syndrome leads to the “failure” of all systems .

Who to contact when symptoms last longer than six months

Professor Dr. Branislav Milovanović says that the big problem is the fact that even doctors do not know enough about this disease because they are not studying at university yet, so he warns if the aforementioned symptoms last more than a few months, en It is very important that you contact a GP. He will refer you for further testing after the exam.

Spring fatigue is similar, but still something else entirely

The so-called spring fatigue is a condition when the human body tries to adapt after winter, generally with sudden climatic changes, when we go from low to high temperatures, so the blood vessels dilate and the pressure drops, which is manifested by fatigue and drowsiness, poor concentration, irritability, and even depression.

“It will be difficult for everyone after the period of the corona virus, and it will be especially difficult for those who tested positive for the virus. It is a practice after the virus to weaken the organism, and it is more difficult for it to adapt to new climatic conditions,” he said. He is an immunologist Dr. Borislav Kamenov, professor at the Nis Faculty of Medicine.

He also says that in this period it is very important to detoxify the body, which has accumulated toxins during the winter, and the usual recipe, which is to increase vitamins and minerals, gradually strengthen the body and reduce fatigue, which, according to the professor, it is a protection mechanism.

“Just going out in the sun will make a difference in your mood because it will contribute to the hormone of happiness. Our body is like that. It does not like the dark and, of course, you will feel tired and even depressed during these days. gloomy days, “said the professor.

Although many advise physical activity, the teacher believes that you have to be careful with it, listen to the body and gradually get used to it.

What is the cause of spring fatigue?

What leads to this has not yet been fully determined, but it is considered to be a lack of vitamins and minerals, neglected by the winter diet, which is mainly based on an excessive intake of meat and insufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables, as well as in insufficient quantity. fluid intake.

Reduced physical activity during the winter period is one of the very important factors that increase spring fatigue, which, among other things, leads to weight gain, further weakening the body. Likewise, large differences in temperature, in addition to damaging the health of chronic patients, have a negative impact on others, which is manifested in reduced productivity in the workplace. Sudden weather changes and pressure reduce the oxygen intake in the body, which further leads to a reduction in concentration, so we have the impression that we are constantly asleep.

Spring fatigue occurs in all age groups and is equally present in both sexes. The problems caused by this condition are reminiscent of depression, because people are listless and without enthusiasm, as well as very bad mood. This happens because during the winter the secretion of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for good mood, decreases. For most people with these symptoms, it can be confusing because it is actually temporary depression. Spring and chronic fatigue should not be confused, it is not the same condition. Chronic fatigue is not related to the season and lasts much longer than spring fatigue.


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