AFTER THE ČESMOVAČA BURN ANNOUNCED FROM THE WATER FACTORY: The treatment plant has nothing to do with the ignition of methane in Stajićevo


– From Tuesday September 29, the water supply of the city of Zrenjanin is made again through the water supply treatment plant and since then the Institute of Public Health in Zrenjanin, takes samples every day and analyzes the water that comes out of our plant – says Bojan Dimkić, noting that five to seven days for the analysis to be complete, and only the first water analysis of the sample taken on August 29 of this year was obtained from the Institute.

Photo: Novosti


The water from the water factory, which is in accordance with the rule book, must, according to experts, wash the raw water into the network in a short time, and after that, the analysis will be carried out in accordance with the Regulation on hygienic correction of water.

According to the valid contract with JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija”, the plant is obliged to deliver water at the outlet that is in accordance with the Regulation on hygienic safety of drinking water, and JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija” Zrenjanin and the Institute are responsible for analyzing the water in the network itself. for public health.

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