After the brutal crime, Dragan called his grandson and told him that he had killed his grandmother.


Georgina Lazović (80) was brutally murdered in Arandjelovac, and her husband Dragan Lazović (84), who was arrested, is a suspect in this crime. The autopsy showed that the old woman was brutally strangled, which was confirmed for Kurir by the Superior Prosecutor’s Office.

Biliary debate

Police said the couple first got into a fight and, after a heated argument, Dragan, as suspected, strangled his wife with his bare hands. Then, as we learned, he called his grandson, who came and reported it to the police. Dragan was arrested.

Dragan and Georgina lived alone in a village house, that is, the part between the settlements of Vrbice and Zlatar in Arandjelovac. His house is isolated from the settlement and there are no neighbors in the immediate vicinity. A little further away from Lazović’s house, the locals were very surprised and shocked by this event. They say they didn’t hear anything and only found out about the murder through the media.

Also hit with a stick

– They lived apart, they were far from us and they didn’t hang out with us who are, as it were, their neighbors. They retired here to live like in a village and we didn’t see many of them, a local woman told us.

As we found out, there were no reports of domestic violence prior to this tragic case. The investigation continues. Dragan is in custody and will be questioned at the Superior Public Ministry.

For now, it is known that Georgina passed away cruelly and was strangled, as well as that she had other injuries to her body, most likely from having been beaten with a stick. B. Đ.

Photo B.Đ.

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Author: delivery courier
