After seven days, the Croats repeated the text against Vučić …



18.12.2020. 09:05 – 18.12.2020. 09:32

Croatian media have started to return old texts in the absence of ideas on how they could write against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

Thus, after a week, “Večernji list” returned an article entitled “Has the hypocritical game between Vučić and the European Union finally come to an end?” in which it is stated that the President of Serbia is against peace in the Balkans and against European policy.

The text expresses regret for the Serbian opposition, which is allegedly being trampled on by Vučić. So according to Croatian logic, Serbs should elect politicians who like Zagreb and vote vigorously for people who do not have the support of their extended family because they destroyed everything they touched.

I resent Vučić for daring to defend the interests of the Serbian people living in the region and leading an economically and militarily stronger Serbia.

The text rejoices and openly agitates to stop Serbia’s path to the EU.

What the editors of the Croatian portals did not expect were the comments of the Croatian readers. Apart from those who, by the way, hate Serbia and spit on Serbs, there are also many wiser people who say:

“Serbia with Vučić is growing and strengthening economically, militarily, there is no inflation, Vučić is following a smart policy that both Croatia and the EU should emulate!”

“Let’s look at ourselves, those Serbs raise their heads when they lose. We can learn a lot from them,” are just some of the comments.


Comment, photo: screen printed


Comment, photo: screen printed
