After meeting with the Russian ambassador, Vučić addressed the nation.



13.10.2020. 14:55

Today, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, with whom he discussed current issues of Serbian-Russian relations and bilateral cooperation, and especially the implementation of specific agreements and joint projects in the field of energy.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Printscreen

President Vučić informed Ambassador Bocan-Kharčenko that Serbia will complete the gas pipeline by the end of the year, the Serbian Presidency announced.

Vučić and Bocan-Kharčenko spoke about all the negotiations that the Serbian delegation carried out in Washington and Brussels with the representatives of the temporary self-government institutions in Priština.

President Vučić thanked the Russian Federation for its support at the UN and other international organizations.

The two interlocutors also discussed other topical regional issues.

President Vučić and Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko discussed the results of the fight against the infectious disease KOVID-19 in the two countries.

Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko briefed President Vučić on the progress that experts in Russia are making in developing the corona virus vaccine, which will also be available to the citizens of Serbia.

The two interlocutors agreed that without an adequate vaccine, humanity will not overcome this contagious disease.
