After meeting an unusual old man 30 years ago, Ivica realized that he too has a PRECIOUS GIFT


NIS – More than 100 families in Serbia received clean water in their own home thanks to Ivica Andjelkovic (63) from Gornji Dusnik near Nis and her gift to discover groundwater with the help of a fork. Andjelković told the Beta agency that he has been finding water with the help of a fork for 30 years, and began doing so after an accidental encounter with an older man who was in the business of doing it.

photo: Beta

“I saw that old man use a fork, I tried it and I saw that they also reacted in my hands,” Andjelkovic said.

As you said, for the last three decades, at the invitation of the owners of houses and cabins, he found groundwater throughout our country, from the south of the country and the border with Bulgaria to Belgrade.

According to Andjelković, he found groundwater in places no one expected to have it, including in one of the Suva planina passes, at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. “The deepest depth in the country where I found water is 40 meters, and I find it mainly at a depth of 4.5 meters. I only find running water, not artesian water,” Andjelkovic explained.

photo: Beta

According to him, after digging a well or installing a pump, water can be freely used for drinking if it is obtained at a depth of five meters, and from a shallower depth, it is desirable to check the quality at the Institute of Public Health. “There are also those who are skeptical and do not believe that you can determine the exact place where the water is with a fork. However, they change their minds when the water flows,” Andjelkovic said.

He also said that people rejoice when he finds water for them, they are delighted, they call him to boast that they dug a well, because he added, “it is difficult to live in a house or a weekend house without water.”

To find groundwater, he said, he uses exclusively willow twig forks. “Willow twigs only react to water, to any other radiation. Metal hairpins can react to water and some precious metals like silver and gold,” Andjelkovic explained.

photo: Beta

He said that more people in our country are dedicated to the fork, but that it is considered one of the most successful in that business in the vicinity of Nis and in the south of the country.

“In about 98 percent of the cases he was right about where the water is, but also about how deep it is. It happens that people do not listen to me and dig a well one meter, two meters from the place I determined. , every meter is important because there are no lakes with water underground, but springs that are sometimes only half a meter wide, ”Andjelković said.

photo: Beta

Climate change and drought, Andjelkovic added, have significantly affected the abundance of groundwater, so in recent years many springs and wells have dried up, and a large number of wells and water pumps had to be relocated so that their owners could have water again.


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Author: delivery courier
