After Hottest Day in 2020, COLDEST Tomorrow BY 10-15 DEGREES, Doctors Warn Could Be a SHOCK TO THE BODY


After the tropical temperatures that reached the 37th division, and on August 30, which will be recorded as the warmest day of 2020, we will receive a short-lived, but significant snack.

The mercury in the thermometer will drop as low as 10-15 degrees in some areas in the hottest part of the day, and nights will be nice to sleep in, and even cool.

“Tuesday through Friday, it is noticeably cooler across the country with temperatures around average values, in most places 23-28 degrees, and less frequent rains and thunder showers,” said Sui from RHMZ.

Photo: RHMZ / screenshot

Meteorologist Djordje Djuric also confirmed for “Blic” that cooling is coming.

– Starting Tuesday, it will be cloudy and cooler across the country, sometimes with showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will range from 22 degrees in the north to 28 degrees in the south. It will be dry and moderately warm on Wednesday, while rain followed by thunder is expected again on Thursday, Đurić said.

Photo: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

He also stressed that summer is not over yet, but temperatures of 36.37 degrees should not be expected again.

– The weather should not be surprising, in 1946, 41 degrees were measured in Belgrade in September, but we are far from those forecasts and announcements – Đurić concluded.

On Tuesday, the minimum temperature will be 14 in Kopaonik, to 19 in Negotin, while the daily maximum temperature will vary from 25 in Belgrade, Kragujevac and Novi Sad, to 29, as will be recorded in Pristina.

Also on Wednesday it will be a few degrees colder, when, according to forecasts, it will be hotter in Negotino with 26, while in other parts of the mercury the thermometer will be around 24 divisions.

Sudden changes in the weather – a shock to the body.

Insomnia, fatigue, malaise, and headaches are normal when it comes to sudden changes in temperature. However, there are also ways to prevent and relieve symptoms that a sudden change in weather can bring.

– In general, with any change in temperature, greater or lesser, there may be a feeling of fatigue, weakness, as well as insomnia. On those days, you need to cool down as often as possible, sleep in refrigerated rooms, drink enough fluids, and ventilate regularly. It’s also important to avoid a lot of physical activity – says Milena Turubatović, MD, for “Blic.”

Headache is one of the consequences you can feel from a sudden change in temperaturePhoto: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia
Headache is one of the consequences you can feel from a sudden change in temperature

As the tropics are followed by a drop in temperature, these changes are more difficult for the elderly and chronically ill. What Dr. Turubatović points out is that you should never use drugs without consulting a doctor.

– You should not make sudden changes in activities, you should calm down and adhere to a regular sleep. It is also very important that you eat smaller and lighter meals. That goes for everyone. When it comes to people taking therapy, especially cardiovascular patients feel such changes, you should not take medication without consulting a doctor and you should not change therapy on your own, explains Dr. Turubatović.

In addition to the elderly, problems can also occur among the younger population in the form of decreased concentration, insomnia, increased nervousness, and headaches and fatigue can also occur.

ADDITIONAL VIDEO: Hot summer in Serbia
