After college he ended up in a barn (VIDEO)


Ljubica Lazić is surrounded by fog, nature and dogs. He doesn’t get up early, but his awakening always starts around seven in the morning and flies in a little earlier. He leaves the house every morning and goes to his barn. “I have to give the cows dry food, hay on an empty stomach. I clean with them, then my husband,” begins the story of his day.

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And when there is a meter of snow and when there is morning fog. In summer when nature blooms and in winter when it rises even after dark. Violets are always the same in the morning. Because her animals are waiting for her, writes

“The pigs eat all my oats and wheat. I had to buy this now, and I have some wheat from last year, so I only give it to the hens, the hens,” Ljubica continues, helping the older chickens to lie down. to the floor because they cannot do it alone.

It is not enough for everyone. It is expensive. She doesn’t eat breakfast. He doesn’t even drink coffee. And who would I drink it with? He says. In a village with few houses, the nearest store is seven kilometers away. Vodotec, a town in the heart of Lika, is a place called home. “Here they destroyed my flowers and beat them so they could see. Capricorns and goats eat them on the one hand, chickens inside and so on,” Ljubica complains of the animals.

What he has left, he doesn’t even know any other way. In a life that she did not want, only nature is beautiful. Everything else is harsh and cruel. “Well, for someone, this is inconceivable, being alone and doing what I do in this century we are in, I don’t use the Internet, I don’t watch television, it’s difficult, but as far as I know, you get used to it,” he continues modestly.

photo: Facebook printcreen

Three cows, four goats, two goats, and thirty chickens are a great obligation, but also a challenge. Because it is not easy for some people. Then his goat Janko runs away while we shoot. But Janko knows exactly where, as far from the barn as possible. Her goats also ran away, and she comes back and tells us “they won.” But there is only one darling in the stable.

“She says mine, my little girl, my beautiful dolls. Come on, you’re jealous. I just want you, well,” says Ljubica with her dog Jaws. My darling has nothing to add, that’s right. Although he is 14 years old, it is decided, as many advise him, that Ljubica has no heart.

A couple of years ago, Kaća, says Ljubica, barely survived. She believes that she was bitten by a hippopotamus, after which she did not get up on all fours for half a year. But she didn’t give up on it. “You see, those grapes, she came to the stage that she couldn’t eat anything. And then I take a leaf, I take a full bucket and I open my mouth, I forcefully push it, it bites me and everything, but I force it.” he remembered.

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After that, she gives birth several times and still gives milk. She is tethered to every one of her animals, including Jagodina’s last calf, which she sold with a heavy heart. “I kept him for four months on the condition that he had two, and I milked two. Because it would arrive in two months, in a month and a half, and I would only prolong his life. It was too sweet,” he recalled. sad.

The cows milk three times a day. From what you earn from selling milk and cheese, the basics are barely covered. Still, he is happy to get anything.

“Well, as she does not eat poor, I am satisfied. Only in the pasture. Let’s say five now, that she gives me four at noon and at night for the heifer I am satisfied. And let’s say that if I gave her grains or something, it would be more . Mother”. She is 18 years old, let’s say when she is at her maximum, “she explains. We ask her why she doesn’t feed her anymore, but she says she didn’t go shopping. She adds, she doesn’t have enough …

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For the past two years, she worked as a geronto-homemaker, caring for the elderly and the sick. But he has been out of work since June, and life has no rest, he doesn’t expect to get better. Ljubica knows that life is not easy for her, but she remains modest.

“Well he’s not fabulous, I think she’s someone’s mother, someone’s stepmother. She’s a stepmother to me, that’s true.” The life she lives now happened to her. And she had big different plans for him. “I studied in Rijeka, I was a year in medicine. I loved it, I loved it and wanted to be a surgeon, I love anatomy. Unfortunately, I interrupted him. He was a good student,” he recalls of better times.

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However, the war came when blood cells were anything but a medical category, a time when, he says, his father thought he would be better off as a Serb if he left home and went to Belgrade. Then his dream collapsed. A decision that makes Ljubica cry even thirty years later. The decision that turned the future surgeon into a woman of the people.

It’s never been easy for her, she says quietly. Not in the marriage, not in the community in which they lived. She, husband and son with hers. “God forbid, the devil doesn’t, and when they tell me that you create your own destiny, I don’t believe it,” he says.

Five years ago, she returned to Vodoteč to take care of her family. At the age of five, she buried her father and mother and was left alone. But she sadly admits that she is not alone. “Well, I’m with the animals and I’m arguing with them,” she says, adding that she misses people and someone close to her. “I miss my son”.

photo: Facebook printcreen

She is constantly in your thoughts and would like you to be together. Until that happens, all the strong love he has in him goes to them. Animals that, thanks to her, live happily and a bit spoiled. He cuts their bread and puts it on because, he says, they love it. For them it is like a dessert. Nor does it tie them to pastures. He is sorry, he says, for giving them freedom. That is why he keeps them for hours.

Being alone and being a woman is a burden that has marked her life. “In addition to this environment, after all, we are the Balkans, I suppose they do not accept that a woman can function by herself. Well, I can do almost everything on my own,” he assures journalists.

Should. However, some days are particularly difficult, like last Wednesday when he lost four goats in just a few hours. They just died, of which, he doesn’t know. “And in the morning, the fourth I fought while I went to the vet and came back and she died, and then I just, from 9 to 12, almost screamed,” he recalled.

A couple of months ago, the wolves slaughtered up to five sheep on two occasions. Problems you try not to think about. And winter and snow are coming. For Ljubica, anxiety. The barn roof has been half collapsed for the past two years. He also doesn’t know if it will last this winter.

photo: Facebook printcreen

“At work, during the day and so on, but at night when you go to bed, I roll the dice together, I don’t know. It is not very simple. , explains how unstable the barn is.

If the snow falls, he says, he doesn’t know what to do with the cattle, but what is there, he adds. There is not enough money to repair the roof. She can’t do it alone. Well, not even dreaming, having wishes. “I would like to take care of all this, put it in order, and I have no idea,” he says of the barn and the animals. When asked what he wanted for her, he said he didn’t even think about it honestly. He left his dreams there somewhere in the beginning. Forgotten among books on anatomy, medicine in Rijeka, an unsuspecting surgeon whose only joy today are these animals of hers.


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Author: delivery courier
