After astronomical prices in some places, you can have coffee here for 30 dinars! (PHOTO)



02.26.2021. 21:26


Invoice, Photo: Facebook

You probably remember when a fellow citizen recently shared the amount of the bill he paid on social media and a whole discussion started that didn’t subside for days.

The post about high prices went viral, with others complaining, as they put it, of “rude” prices. As it was written in the post, Coca-Cola and bitter lemon cost 480 dinars (each), while beer costs up to 650.

While some were surprised by those prices, others complained that the popular location was crowded amid the corona virus epidemic. The third, on the other hand, compares it with the prices of other mountains, so they point out that “nothing is better in Kopaonik”. It is true that there were those who “proved” with their examples, that is, examples of accounts, that their guild was not too big.

And now we have new evidence indicating that it is possible to drink coffee and sour water for 40 dinars in the vicinity of Čačak.

This is a local cafe, and a Facebook user in the Arilje bulletin board group boasted a small amount.

Write us in the comments, is there any cheaper coffee in your house? What are the prices?

Otherwise, since it is a free market, the owners can determine the price they want, and each consumer, on the other hand, has the right to choose, can enter the cafe, look at the price list and decide for himself whether it is acceptable to sit there and have a drink.

Prices can vary dramatically from one cafe to another, and the fact is that they move seasonally.
