After a few days of columns at the borders, there are no more crowds at the entrance to Serbia.


After a few days of huge crowds and columns, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief at the border crossings at the entrance to Serbia, RTS correspondents report.

At the Batrovci crossing, on the border with Croatia, there are no more crowds or delays. The great wave of passengers has finally passed, informs the RTS correspondent.

Until 6 pm, the interzone was full. Seven accesses were opened for passenger vehicles and one for buses. As of this morning, 16,000 passengers have passed through the Batrovci crossing, and in the last three days, almost 90,000.

The situation is similar on the border with Hungary. There are no more traffic jams at the Horgos, Kelebija and Backi breg crossings, reports the RTS correspondent.

Since this morning columns of kilometers have been forming on the beaches and people have been waiting for hours, but all the passengers have arrived at their destinations. In the last three days, some 50,000 passengers passed through the Horgos crossing.

A new health warning has also been printed and will be distributed to passengers entering Serbia from midnight when the new measures come into force. Foreign nationals will need to have a negative PCR test, and Serbian citizens who do not have a test will have to spend ten days in isolation, which they can break if they take the test in the meantime and if the test is negative.

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