AFRICAN SWINE PEST APPEARED IN SERBIA: The situation is serious! The Emergency Situations Headquarters met


This virus, for which there is no vaccine as a preventive measure, appeared in the village of Aleksandrovac, therefore the decision was made to declare the infected area around this village of Timok within a radius of three kilometers.

This concerns Aleksandrovac, but also the neighboring towns of Kovilovo, Rajac and Crnomasnica, which have also been declared an infected zone.

By decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Veterinary Administration, the radius area of ​​at least 10 kilometers around the infection hotbed in Aleksandrovac was declared endangered by the contagious disease of African swine fever.

– The municipality of Negotin is the only one in Serbia where the disease has been recorded in domestic pigs, so the seriousness of the situation must be understood. It is necessary to take all measures to suppress the spread of the infection and educate the population to report all suspected cases of disease in pigs and not bury the corpses themselves, said the Headquarters of Emergency Situations of the territory of the municipality of Negotin.

Staff members adopted a conclusion directing the Department of Budget, Finance and Local Tax Administration to provide budget funds to contract the utility company “Badnjevo” for the extraction, extraction and burial of pig carcasses in the Bracevac village cattle graveyard, but also for all other measures ordered by the Republic Veterinary Inspectorate and the local crisis headquarters.

Likewise, it was recommended that all the presidents of the local community councils of the endangered area, the councils of these towns and the officials of the areas of origin be actively involved in the implementation of the ordered measures.

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