ADRIATICS IN THE HEART CARRIED BY: Archimandrite Habacuc de Trono and Lelic still in the fresh memory of the faithful


He was the head of that shrine, to which he came from the Monastery of Tronoš, for more than 17 years. He rested, right at Waxers, after the liturgy, Easter lunch and socializing with the monks and the faithful. Less than an hour before his death, his words were recorded, solemn, warm, selected on our happiest party and his knowledge. He just fell asleep “like a lamb” after that and didn’t wake up.

Archimandrite Habacuc, by the way, came to the monastery of Tronoš with Archimandrite Antoni (Đurđević), back in 1960, when it was destroyed, overgrown, abandoned … They came from the monastery of Pustinja, near Valjevo, full of desire to work and share. in the “field of the Lord” and, together with the believing people, Bishop Jovan Velimirović and the fraternity, they managed, practically from the ashes, to raise this place of worship, which the famous Nemanjić built more than seven centuries ago. several thousand believers from all over Serbia, but also from RS and abroad.

People from Jadra, Radjevina, Azbukovica, but also from other parts of Serbia, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, who came to Thrones, adored him, not only for his hospitality, but also for his warmth, charity and his prayers and words, after the service. He is one of those monks who gave a great seal to the return of the people to their faith, especially among the young people to whom he always had advice, comfort and support to offer.

– I am happy that I had the strength to come to our Throne, to this great jubilee and to the canonization of Archimandrite Stefan, but also because our Patriarch Irinej greeted me warmly and asked me about health and Lelic, when I appreciate and respect him immensely, even before. he became a bishop, said the author of these lines, “Father Habacuc, when he attended the jubilee of the Monastery of Tronoša of the 7th century, to which he dedicated most of his life, where the inhabitants of Jadra always saw him as their familiar more born, an old monk, to whom the Church and the believers were everything in life.

He really “carried” the people of Loznica and the Adriatic “in his heart”. It was hard for him that, because of the need for the service, he had to leave that place of worship, but it turned out to be good for the church, because the Lelic Monastery shone with all its splendor only when he entered that place of worship, whose leadership chased him. , with the blessing of Bishop Milutin of Valjevo, he was taken over from a very young age by his student, a great clergyman and man, Hieromonk Georgije (Mićić), who with his work, even today, shows that he is a wonderful son of Father Avakum.

A wonderful book about Father Habacuc was written by his great friend, comrade in arms and compatriot, from the Valjevo region, Professor Dr. Ljubomir Ranković, Archdeacon, otherwise editor-in-chief and editor of “Glas Crkve”, who Before that, he immortalized Bishop Jovan Velimović through the book. , former bishop of Sabac-Valjevo, and has just published his book “This man” about Patriarch Pavle, published by the company “Novosti” and “Glas Crkve”.

– Honor to all, but Father Habakkuk, in his life and work, is an irreplaceable person, not only in this part of Serbia, but also much wider, because he is a man who knew how to worship, and great people like Tronoša and Lelic , elevate it to the extent that they are, true, holy places of the living God, on whose path our Habakkuk walked with dignity, honor and dedication, who did not accidentally present himself to God at Easter, because he wonderfully told the believers about the Resurrection after lunch. of our Lord Jesus Christ – says Dr. Ranković.

After that testimony, which was recorded on camera, he fell asleep and rested in his sleep.

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