A girl with HD (12) from Tutin died in the General Hospital of Novi Pazar.
The health institution stated that “it is most likely a fatal outcome caused by immune complications in the midst of a previous infection with the SARS COV-2 virus.”
A four-member commission composed of Dr. Lajla Sebecevac, spec. of anesthesiology with resuscitation, Dr. Hada Toković, spec. of Pediatrics, Dr. Ruža Milanović, spec. pediatrics – subspec. cardiology and prim. Dr. Fehim Juković, spec. forensic medicine said the boy was admitted to hospital on January 21.
As they specified, she was admitted to the Pediatric Department at 5:16 p.m., where she was transferred by ambulance from the local Health Center of Tutin in serious general condition and accompanied by medical personnel.
After admission, they also said, he underwent the available diagnostic procedures and therapy was started, but despite what was done, there was a further deterioration of the condition and death occurred.
– Based on the complete clinical picture and the course of the disease in the child, then the results of all the analyzes, taking into account the data on previously diagnosed diseases, it is most likely that in this case it was a fatal outcome caused by immune complications in the midst of a previous infection by the SARS COV-2 virus, the so-called multisystem postcovid inflammatory syndrome – they claimed from the hospital, adding that the death occurred the same day at 8:10 pm

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