Adam Rakočević (22) was sentenced to three and a half years for all criminal acts


CAUSED DRIVER DEATH, DRUG PROPERTY, HOME DETENTION RAPED: Adam Rakočević (22) was sentenced to three and a half years for all criminal acts

Illustration, photo: Stefan Jokić

BELGRADE – The Belgrade High Court today sentenced Adam Rakocevic (22) to a single sentence of three years and three months in prison for causing a traffic accident in which the driver of the GSP bus Bojan Perac (31) died in February and for illegal possession of drugs, and included It is also a previous house arrest sentence that he violated.

He was also banned from driving a category B motor vehicle for five years, which will begin to be enforced after serving his prison sentence.

The court today lifted Rakočević’s arrest, so he will defend himself against his freedom in the course of the proceedings.

He was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for a felony against the safety of public traffic and three months in prison for illegal possession of a small amount of drugs.

photo: Ana Paunković

His previous sentence of six months of house arrest was included in the single sentence.

This is a first instance verdict to which both the prosecution and the defense have the right to appeal.

The accident happened in Zemun in February this year around 4:00 a.m., and Rakočević had a temporary driver’s license and was not allowed to drive between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.

At the time of committing this crime, he was serving a house arrest, which he violated when he went out onto the street and caused a traffic accident with his vehicle.

In the accident, along with Perac, a passenger of the second bus, Merima Vučević, was seriously injured, while the driver of the other bus, Dragomir Živković, suffered minor injuries.

In his final remarks last week, Rakocevic said he regretted causing the accident.


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Author: delivery courier
