Adam Bohler spoke about the new relations between the United States and Serbia



25.09.2020. 16:44 – 25.09.2020. 17:23

Aleksandar Vučić, Richard Grenel and Donald Trump took an important step for the success and prosperity of Serbia.

Ana Brnabić

Adam Boler and Ana Brnabić, Photo: Hello

Adam Boler |, the executive director of the American International Development Finance Corporation DFC, explained in detail the work of the DFC related to Kosovo and Metohija, in an interview with Pavlovic Today.

Boler did not arrive alone in Serbia, he was accompanied on the trip by five American agencies, determined to implement the historic agreement between Serbia and Kosovo, which in many ways became effective only two weeks after its signing in the White House.

At the US ambassador’s residence in Belgrade, Antonio Godfrey, Boehler and Grenel met with leaders of Serbian politics, but also of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce.

Adam boehler

Adam Boehler, Photo: Alo / Jošida Manasori

He shared his impressions of the events he attended in the previous days in an interview.

When asked what impressions he brings from the meeting with senior officials, he said he was satisfied.

– I think everything went very well. We talk a lot about improving relations between Kosovo and Serbia. I think the most important thing is to mention that a new era in US-Serbian relations is now beginning, and that is something important. Donald Trump improved relations between our countries in a completely different way. Everyone thought that relations between Kosovo and Serbia could not be improved, but capable people like Vučić, Grenel and Trump proved otherwise. It is important to look ahead, not live in the past – said Bohler.

As it says at the end of the day, it is important that everyone is satisfied.

– In the end, the investments that lie ahead are important and I want to have as many as possible – says Bohler.

DFC has opened its first Belgrade office and has been appointed Director of the newly opened Belgrade office of the United States Finance Corporation for International Development (DFC). John jovanovic.



Adam Bohler is known in the business world as an innovator. Your opinion on the situation in Serbia is interesting.

– I think that the Kosovo problem is the one that makes Serbia go backwards, much more than it makes Kosovo back down. Serbia will benefit greatly from foreign investment. Serbia will occupy a stable place on the world economic stage and then its full potential will be seen, says Bohler.
