Actress PREGNANT AT 48, acted in FAMILY TREASURE and looks different


A fire that broke out Monday night in the Zvezdara building in Belgrade, from which Ivica Dačić’s mother and her pregnant sister, Emica Dačić were evacuated, broke out when a frying pan caught fire in an apartment.

Emica is pregnant at 48 years old, and with her example she broke all prejudices about late pregnancies. By the way, she is not the only actress who got pregnant in her middle age. Actress Ljiljana Jaksic became pregnant at age 52 through in vitro fertilization.

Emica Dačić
photo: Pirtnscreen

Let us remind you that Emica is best known to audiences for the role of Zorica, the secretary of judge Ljubomir Starčević Risa, played by actor Branislav Lečić in the cult series “Family Treasure”, and later in the movie “The Secret of the family”. Treasure. “However, a lot has changed since then and few would know about it.

Emica Dačić
photo: Pritnscreen

Also, Emica appeared in the movie “White Suit”, as well as Pavić’s upcoming series “Dollars Are Coming”, but only in two episodes. She also made miniature appearances in the series “Jelena” and “The smell of rain in the Balkans”, and is remembered by the theater audience.

He stopped acting in 2011, when he got a job at a company. Emica graduated from two faculties: Pedagogy in Pristina and the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.

Emica Dacic, Ivica Dacic, Sister
photo: Printskrin Youtube

– I grew up modestly, and when I was 15 years old I separated from home – Dačić recalled in an interview with his childhood and his sister.

– To educate me and my sister Emica, my parents, Desko and Jela, collected mushrooms and rose hips. Despite the papers, Emica was always seen as my sister.

Heating, Ivica Dačić
photo: Damir Dervišagić


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