“According to the model: the last case in June”


Health Minister Zlatibor Lonar met with greedy hospital directors, epidemiologists and union representatives.

Source: RTS



According to the model presented by epidemiologists from the Belgrade Medical School, the latest case in Serbia is expected to be recorded in late June, provided citizens adhere to the measure.

At the meeting it was said that the number of people infected with coronavirus is decreasing, as well as the number of patients who are in a current condition and on respirators. Now there are 39 of them. The positivity percentage is also declining, now rising to 1.35 percent.

According to the model presented by epidemiologists from the Belgrade Medical School, the percentage of positivity in May should be around one percent.

The latest coronavirus case in Serbia is expected to be recorded in late June, of course, noting that such a scenario will only be possible if citizens continue to adhere to all prescribed measures.

The hospital in Banjica was also said to be the first to be excluded from the kovid system, and Health Minister Zlatibor Lonar told RTS that he hopes that institution will run out of kovid positive patients by the end of the week.

“It will follow the hospital’s disinfection process, testing of all workers and other necessary procedures. I expect the hospital in Banjica to start doing its work in the next ten days,” says Lonar.

He claims that the temporary hospital at the Belgrade Fair, which currently has 21 patients, will work for at least another week in reduced capacity.

“We cannot burden hospitals with asymptomatic patients. It is not correct that patients are in that space, nor that health workers do it. They will stay at the fair,” Lonar explains. “I’m not sure if everyone complies with the measure”

Minister Lonar also says that according to current estimates, the hospital in Panevo will have to work for at least another two weeks.

“Dialysis has a special program whereby it will be carried out, so that no one is kidnapped. There is a big problem with patients who came from geriatric centers, but we have also created dynamics for them,” says Lonar.

He announces that this week there will be an evaluation on which of them, counting only those who are covid negative, can return home. Those who are not in this condition will be transferred to local hospitals.

“We have developed a detailed strategy for next week, until next Monday, if there are no jumps, and there will be none if we adhere to the measures. I am pleased that the profession has presented some indicative dates by which we should end this trouble”. Lonar says.

However, he notes that he is not sure that everyone will adhere to the measures in restaurants, cafes and thorny centers.

“Once again, I would like to appeal to everyone. We have the opportunity to finish this story in the middle or end of June, but the condition is to be responsible and do what is necessary,” emphasizes Zlatibor Lonar.
