Accompanied by a church choir and a moving speech from a friend, the mother barely stayed above cancer (KURIR TV)


Bojan Mirković (34), killed last Thursday in a waiting room in the Belleville neighborhood of New Belgrade, was buried today in the Bežanija cemetery.

photo: Print screen, Social media

The church choir sang all the time and tears and pain could be seen on the faces of many friends and family.

photo: Ana Paunković

One of the friends of the murdered Mirković made a speech.

– He was a wonderful brother, friend, son, and how many people he was, says several invitations for godparents, which he gladly accepted. I think the bells of the Peja Patriarchate are also ringing, which is wider in Metohija, where you are from and wherever Markovic from the Vasojevic tribe is. The hardest part is when someone suddenly steals your child. The family dreamed of a master’s degree, expecting a white wedding dress and not a white coffin. Peace of mind – said a friend of the family.

photo: Ana Paunković

Bojan Mirkovic’s mother barely stayed on cancer when the coffin was lowered.

By the way, Mirković was allegedly close to the Skaljar clan and the recently assassinated member of the Pink Panther, Aleksandar Šarc, who died less than a month ago in the “Ušće” shopping center.

Recall, Mirkovic was returning from the store and parked a BMW car in the garage when he saw an unknown assailant, who chased him. Probably, wanting to save himself, he ran towards the elevator, but the murderer caught up with him and fired several shots at him, hitting him in the head and body.

The attacker and the crime were filmed on surveillance cameras from the garage, but he was allegedly wearing a mask. When the ambulance arrived at the crime scene, he was still showing signs of life, but passed away shortly after.

The murder of Bojan Mirković is the third wait and see event to take place in New Belgrade in the last month. Namely, first on October 17, the “pink panther” Aleksandar Šarac was killed in the garage of TC “Ušće”. Two weeks later, on 3 November, former Partizan fan leader Nenad Alajbegović Alibeg was seriously injured in front of his building.

(, BT)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
