22.09.2020. 17:22 – 22.09.2020. 18:09

Ambulance, Photo: Hello! / TS
Three people were injured in a traffic accident between two cars, which occurred under still inexplicable circumstances, around 3:00 pm today, in the town of Samaila near Kraljevo, on the so-called old road to Čačak.
The accident is presumed to have occurred when, for unknown reasons, a “Fiat Punto” with the registration Kraljevo, which was traveling from Kraljevo towards Čačak, and a “Hyundai” with the registration Kruševac, coming in the opposite direction, directly collided.
On this occasion, three people were injured, who were first consciously treated at the scene of the accident, and then transferred by ambulance to the General Hospital “Studenica” in Kraljevo, where they were treated.
The fact that members of the fire and rescue unit had to cut off the “tip” to provide assistance to the injured driver speaks best to the severity of the accident.
Due to the accident and the investigation, the traffic on this section of the road came to a complete stop for a while, so the vehicles were directed to alternative routes.