11.11.2020. 12:59 – 11.11.2020. 13:44
Aca Lukas addresses the audience.
Aca Lukas organized a press conference on the occasion of the recent situation he had with a controversial businessman, but also due to the conflict with Marinka Tepic and Zaklina Tatalovic.
However, it is important to note that this conference also has an occasion, the promotion of his new musical album.

Marko Milutinovic, Photo: Alo.rs
Marko Milutinović, editor-in-chief of PGP, addressed journalists.
– Next year we will celebrate 70 years, it is the largest record company.
Aca Lukas said that he wants to talk about the album first.
– Good morning everyone. The most represented on the album will be Nikola Grbić, who made my most famous hits like “Kafana na Balkanu”, “Lešće”, I’m glad to be working on the album for PGP / RTS – emphasized Lukas.
He reminded journalists, in his speech on the “HitTweet” program, what was behind his statement.
– The main reason for the conference is the CD, but I am also ready to answer. I publicly apologize to journalist Zaklina Tatalović, my reaction was inappropriate, I am impulsive and exaggerated. My reaction was not caused by anything – explained the singer.
– During the “HitTvit” program, I received a message posted by journalist Jacqueline. There is a shootout between those journalists and Pink TV. She treated me, my intelligence, with a “mockery.” I exaggerated in that self-defense. I never attacked anyone first – explained Aca Lukas.
He expressed his desire to emphasize, once again, that his reaction was not triggered by anything.
– I repeat that I apologize, but my reaction was not caused by anything – Lucas emphasized.
Sasa Mirkovic, pop manager, also present at the conference, pointed out that politics and pop music should not mix.

Sasa Mirkovic, Photo: Alo.rs
– Zaklina Tatalović was offended, but we shouldn’t blow up a donkey, it’s inhuman. Alexander’s children also read everything that was said about him. Marinika heard from her friend, a drug dealer, that Aca was a drug addict. Here he loves and respects women above all, that he shows with his songs and being on stage. Maybe the fact that you don’t like Tatalović is a matter of taste and not a sexist comment. Personally, I do not like his navality and the revenge he does for private reasons – said Mirković.
Lucas went on with this whole story.
– I wonder why he moved to the field of politics? I am neither a politician nor a party member, why is Marinika Tepic mentioned and why is Aleksandar Vucic mentioned. I support an option like any citizen – Lucas pointed out.
One of the journalists asked Aleksandar Vuksanović “why did you react to Zaklina Tatalović’s tweet?”, To which the singer gave a clear answer.
– I reacted to your tweet because my friends sent me their tweet, no one congratulated me on that. I apologize to Verica Bradic, as well as Pink TV. The presenter wanted to interrupt me, but I couldn’t stop – explained Vuksanović.
A journalist asked the singer when he would get out of his slave debts.
– I have no debts, everyone knows how I lived, spent and played. I paid it back, I have no debts, I have other goals in life, I got serious. I have reason to sue Marinika Tepic. Said I’m a disgrace to drug addicts, but I won’t. I have another suggestion for her. Vuk Jeremic and Marinika Tepic, as well as Sergej Trifunovic, I invite you to come and publicly try drugs with me – Aleksandar pointed out.
Lucas emphasized that he always speaks on his own behalf.
– I always speak for myself, there are people who cannot wait to get caught up in anything that has something to do with politics. I say what I think. He doesn’t expect an apology from anyone, nor do I need one. I say what I think, but I often say what I don’t think – joked the singer.
Mirkovic explained that this attack had an undertone.
– This is an attack on Pink TV and Verica Bradić, because they are more viewed than the competitors. Aca Lucas was used as a trigger to show that Lucas’ values are not good, and he, on the other hand, invites Marinika and her boss Dragan Djilas, to see who is a drug addict and who is not – said Mirkovic.