ABOUT THE “TRAMPUT” REPORT Although the fact that we are one of the most polluted countries in Europe, we don’t even know HOW MUCH WE REALLY POISON


The measurement of the most dangerous factors of air pollution, PM particles in suspension, is negligible in Serbia, the measurement points are moved or abruptly removed, so there is no valid assessment of the impact of pollution on the human health, warns the Institute “Trampoline”.

That Serbia is among the most polluted countries in Europe, that some Serbian cities are among those whose inhabitants breathe the most polluted air in the world, that our lungs are destroyed by PM-10 and PM-2.5 particles, are already known facts.

What we do not know, judging by the latest report of the Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut” on air pollution in Serbia during 2019, is why the presence of that invisible killer in the air is being monitored and measured. insufficiently.

Furthermore, according to “Trampoline”, the monitoring of these suspended particles, which the WHO has marked as responsible for the premature death of 5,400 people each year in Serbia, is insignificant.

Photo: Dejana Stojanović / RAS Serbia

– The trend towards underrepresentation of PM-10 and PM-2.5 contamination monitoring has continued, which may have serious implications for public health, because it is clear from the knowledge of the small number of analyzes available that the concentrations of particles in the air are increasing. . The trend of untimely signing of air quality monitoring contracts at the level of local self-governments has been noted, which prevents a valid analysis of the data, as well as a possible evaluation of the impact of air quality on the health of the exposed population – states the annual report of the Trampoline Institute.

“Without follow-up and 60 days a year”

It is also noted that the relocation and sudden abolition of some measurement points does not have a scientific and professional basis and prevents the deliberate analysis of the data and a further evaluation of the impact of air pollution on the health of the exposed population. “Trampoline” also states that the scope of PM monitoring has visibly decreased, “so that in some cities this activity is performed less than 60 days a year.”

– Considering that it is a great financial cost, it is necessary to seek funds at the local self-government level that can support the same activity. If we look at the number of cities in which the presence of particles in the ambient air is monitored, it is insufficient (only in 26 cities), which makes it difficult to analyze the existing risks to the health of the exposed population at the state

The fact that Nis surpasses Beijing in terms of the annual mean value of PM-2.5 particles, since the level of these particles in Nis is 47, and in Beijing 42.6, shows how worrying the data on air pollution is.

“Greater number of measurement points”

On the other hand, the Environmental Protection Agency explains that the measurement results of these particles in Nis published by “Trampoline” are based on indicative measurements (only 56 results during the year) and serve, as the name suggests, only as an indicator whether or not there is contamination.

Uzice on the seduction of smog: soot exceeded the limits three and a half timesPhoto: RAS Serbia
Uzice on the seduction of smog: soot exceeded the limits three and a half times

– However, a much more detailed and complete panorama of the state of contamination is provided by the fixed measurements, which are carried out by the Agency, which means that the measurements are carried out every hour, 365 days a year, which is necessary taking into account counts the degree of pollution and a large number of inhabitants. These Agency measurements showed that the mean annual PM-2.5 particle concentration in Nis was 39, which is higher relative to the annual limit value of 25 micrograms per cubic meter, explains Filip Radović, Agency Director. , for “Blic”.

It adds that the measurement results have been available to the public on the Agency’s website since 2010. Contrary to “Batuta’s” claims, Radović says that the number of places where air pollution measurements are taken has increased, as well as the response of local autonomous governments to present measurement results in their environments, “so the panorama of pollution in Serbia is more complete”.

– The Environmental Protection Agency, for its part, contributed with the installation of new stations in Novi Pazar and Vršac and established automatic measurements of suspended particles in Užice and Belgrade, at the Vračar station – says Filip Radović.

What are PM particles?

PM-10 and PM-2.5 particles in suspension are dust less than 10 microns and represent a mixture of smoke, soot, acid and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, nickel and arsenic, and are formed as a result of the influence combined heating, traffic and industry.

– When they reach the lungs by inhalation, they are deposited in the deepest parts of that organ. When you inhale, they shorten your breath, which overloads the heart to compensate for the reduced oxygen intake, while at the same time becoming depleted. That way, in addition to lung diseases, they also lead to a heart attack or stroke, warns oncologist Dr. Zoran Zivkovic.

VIDEO: Pollution in Nis
