About the immunity of the herd H1 Serbia


It is better to prevent than to treat, evaluated the representative of the World Health Organization for Serbia, Marian Ivanusa, for RTS, who believes that there is no herd immunity for the crown.

“About 60-70 percent of resistant people are needed for that immunity, and we are far from that,” Ivanuša said, adding that the only form of “herd immunity” is vaccines and not intentionally infecting people.

Ivanuša says that we are tired of kovid, but that it is good and that many people have learned to apply daily preventive measures: physical distance, masks, hygiene and not going out to places where there is a large crowd.

Ivanuša said the Crisis General Staff would decide on possible new measures for Serbia, but believes that if they came into force now, the crown could be kept under control.

“If the measures do not go into effect now, the infected will spread the virus and after two weeks we would have a very difficult situation,” Ivanuša said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
