About the European Union H1 Serbia


The deputy of the group “Aleksandar Vučić – For our children”, Marijan Risticević, declared during the debate on the report on the progress of Serbia in European integration, that the entry of Serbia into the European Union would allow the unification of the Serbian national being and that Serbs would live in a community of states. SFRY.

“I ask the nationalists, what if someone answered our prayers and decided to give us all the territories that our nationalists envision for a greater Serbia – to give us Kosovo, Macedonia and so on? I ask them which people would inhabit, they would have to give us too they give to the people. Twenty percent of Serbs have already joined the EU, “Risticevic said, noting that he is in favor of the EU for agricultural subsidies, but to understand that the EU” is not a country of laziness “.

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Commenting on the report, he said the main objections were the media and presented his theory on who the journalists were.

“For me, journalists are those who work for registered media, and in Serbia, due to excessive freedoms, some who work for unregistered media present themselves as journalists,” Risticevic said, adding that opposition journalists are not independent. , adding that a freelance journalist should “just let go.” information, do not participate in information. ”

He added that a political opponent often hides behind journalists and again pointed out that certain outlets are not registered in Serbia, but in Luxembourg.

European Integration Minister Jadrnaka Joksimović said that Serbia received accreditation for IPARD programs and € 175 million in grants from 2014 to 2020, and that this is a huge benefit from the accession negotiations.
