About 30,000 of our citizens are still on vacation abroad, and in one country the chance of contracting the crown is 100 TIMES GREATER THAN IN SERBIA


More than 30,000 of our citizens have not yet returned from abroad, where they are on vacation, and most of them are staying in Montenegro, where the possibility of contracting the corona virus is not less than 100 times higher than in Serbia .

As a total of 75,000 of our citizens were expected to return to Serbia and go on vacation to neighboring countries, mostly to Montenegro and Croatia, and according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, 43,498 returnees are under supervision, which That means there are more than 30,000 who have not returned yet.

And today we hear a shocking fact from Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević: the chances of getting infected with the crown in Croatia are 10 times higher than in Serbia, and in Montenegro even 100 times higher!

– If we look back at the previous two weeks, the accumulated incidence in our country was 14 per 100,000, we are the country in Europe with the lowest contagion rate. In the previous week, the frequency rate was 7 per 100,000. In Montenegro, the risk of infection is 100 times higher than in our country, said Dr. Kisić Tepavčević after the crisis staff session.

The highest rate of new infections in the previous week was recorded in Montenegro, where the incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants reached 586.

The exact number of our citizens outside of Serbia is not known and, as we found out, there are no organized tour groups, which means that everyone has decided to travel individually.

– There are no groups organized through tourism agencies, and we do not have so many on an individual level – says Aleksandar Seničić, director of JUTA, for “Blic”.

However, before the introduction of the latest measures on our borders, that all our people who come from the four “red zones” – Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, must register and be under sanitary supervision, the mentioned number in public, about 75,000 of us are on vacation in neighboring countries.

By September 18, when the measure went into effect, most of our citizens had returned to the country, but now there are supposed to be about 30,000 left.

That our people continue to return to the country in large numbers these days, these figures confirm. The latest data from the Ministry of Health shows that most arrivals are from Bosnia and Herzegovina (1,684), Montenegro (828) and then Croatia (326) out of a total of 3,128 citizens who arrived in Serbia two days ago.

It is also not safe in Croatia

Besides neighboring Montenegro, it is currently not safe to travel to Croatia from an epidemiological point of view.

This was also confirmed by Dr. Kisić Tepavčević, who said that the probability of infection in this country is 10 times higher than in Serbia.

According to the Worldometers website, a total of 16,245 cases of coronavirus have been registered in Croatia, of which 48 are new cases in the last 24 hours.

All our citizens who return to Serbia must be under sanitary supervision, and if they have children who go to kindergarten and school, the recommendation is not to send them there, but to be isolated for 10 days. In that case, the students follow the lessons from home.

VIDEO: The columns in Croatia are three kilometers long, there are lines on the borders
