Abazovic: Montenegro needs its own version of “Saber” – World


The Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazović, assessed that the President of that country, Milo Đukanović, has no people in the newly formed Government, and that this is indicated by the heating of divisions and the use of a “poisonous rhetoric” that brands the executive as “anti-Montenegrin” or “pro-Serbian.”

Abazovic: Montenegro needs its own version Photo: EPA-EFE / BORIS PEJOVIC

In an interview with News Max Adria, he stated that updating the question of whether there are “Djukanovic people” or those who work for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the new Montenegrin government, indicates that “everything is fine with (the new ministers) “.

Similarly, he commented on the assessment that the government of Montenegro was composed of the Serbian Orthodox Church or that the coalition and the party led by (URA) are “the biggest winner of the elections”.

“Every day, the number of people who are willing to listen to such propaganda is decreasing.” These are idiots on dry land. “When you catch a fish and put it in a boat, it struggles for a little longer to get the air back into the sea, but then it just ends up on the grill,” Abazović said.

When asked how coexistence with President Djukanovic works, Abazovic said that the reform process is slow because the previous authorities “made laws by themselves, as if they would rule for 100 years”, and that until now there have been no measures between the government and the president.

“We will try to maintain coexistence at a high level, and any attempt to interfere will be to the detriment of (Djukanovic).” Coexistence will work or we will have a new president, “Abazovic said.

Abazovic also assessed that “national fire” was used throughout the region to hide the interests of individual political actors, and that he insisted on controlling the security sector because Serbia did not reform the security services, the army and the police afterwards. October 5.

“This is our lesson from Serbia after October 5, I simply would not like the black scenario of Serbia to repeat itself … We must not allow that scenario to repeat itself and the (security) structures to remain at the same level .. . (They) were one of the central points of the system (Milo Djukanovic) “, Abazovic alluded to the assassination of then Prime Minister of Serbia Zoran Djindjic.

He added that the security sector would be “absolutely necessary” to dismantle the “old system” and that it would be ethical for people who are not part of those plans to resign.

He added that he personally believes that Montenegro needs its own version of Operation “Saber”, which followed that assassination (of Djidjic), but that none of it should take place.

“Do we need our sword? I think there would be a lot of material here, but since we are in 2020 and since we have taken a step in the integration process (of the euro), it can be solved in a way that will not be revolutionary, but will be relentless … We don’t want witch hunts, and there won’t be any protected, ”Abazović said.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro stated that the country does not have any country with which it is more closely related than Serbia, that it regrets that relations between the two parties have been reduced to a low level and that the government in which it participates will have to ” start from scratch. ” “.

“As nations, we will not start from scratch. We want the best possible relations with Serbia. Montenegro is significantly smaller (than Serbia), but no one should question its pride and dignity (you know there were more Serbs in the Kosovo government than in the Montenegrin government. I think (nationality) should not be a reference either, but if someone can do the job, “Abazović said.

He also said that the two sides “soon” would have to start organizing bilateral visits, and that to begin rebuilding relations, Serbia should extradite Svetozar Marovic, former president of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, to Montenegrin authorities.

Abazovic also assessed that the new Podgorica authorities found the state “administratively neglected” in financial trouble, making the new € 750 million loan a “completely correct decision.”

“If we had not provided political stability, we would not have raised as much (on the London Stock Exchange). Of course, that is indebtedness, but we also have to repay 512 million loans taken only in 2012. I am surprised that citizens think that all problems can be solved in 15 days. In 15 days, we managed to provide support, funds for 2020 and 2021, and initiate changes in the most complex structures “, believes Abazović.

When asked about cooperation with the leaders of the Democratic Front (DF), Nebojsa Medojevic and Milan Knezevic, who publicly disagreed with the maneuvers of the designated prime minister, Abazovic said that despite the “politicization of all institutions “In irregular elections, citizens” got over that. “

“It is the best government that could have been formed under the current political conditions. You know that, unfortunately, we are a deeply divided society, that the URA is in an agreement with parties that do not have programmatic similarities. We have chosen a model that is transitional and a good model for states if they are in a similar situation. We have the minimum match to be reached, “said Abazović.

He added that the objective of the current authorities is to combat corruption and organized crime and to create conditions for free and fair elections.

“We will make public all the documents in dispute. We may not be able to prosecute everyone (former officials), nor is it our responsibility, but we can tell citizens the truth about everything.” I think the environment (in the ruling coalition) is well, that a team spirit has been created and I hope that we will be able to show results in the near future, “he added.

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