Abandoned for 70 years, it has a dark history, and today only two people live there (VIDEO)


It is a remote city in Western Australia where locals worked in the pearl industry, but over time, the population abandoned it and went to the big cities.

The pearl collecting industry led to the founding of the city in the 1880s, and by 1895 it had more than 1,000 workers and 57 “pearl hunter” ships.

Guests and tourists continue to visit Kozak on their way to the hiking trails and beaches. In addition, it is surrounded by a coastal nature reserve.

The Cossack also has a dark history: he committed atrocities against the indigenous population during the prosperity of the city.

White settlers exploited the indigenous population, often enslaving them and forcing them to dive for pearls.

However, the city was abandoned 70 years ago and has only two residents, Risa Osterlund and his wife Shannon Ervia, who own a cafe. Its guests are people who visit the nearby trails and beaches, or who come to ride horses.

The entire city is owned by the government, it is offered for sale, but without price. The government wants to consider the offers of those who are ready to develop tourism.

The application deadline is November 20.


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Author: delivery courier
