A YouTuber from Zambia described our men – she pointed out THIS as his most pronounced features, and here’s what it says about his character


“The first thing you should know is that the men of Serbia are mostly Orthodox Christians, so if you don’t know their customs, googling,” he said at first and then highlighted the following characteristic: they are if they are tall enough, they are among the tallest men in the world. ”

He noted that Serbian men are very family oriented, because they want marriage and children. Also, they love to talk about their country and culture, they do it with a lot of love and passion and they are completely authentic. Patricia believes that they do not allow Western trends to influence them.

How to win over a shy guy * This is what they say on the ana rs forums.

She also said that our men love homemade food that is “very fresh and healthy” as well as adorned with a “macho” character, for which girls should be ready. He also noted that they are very friendly, and in all respects he said about them, the bottom line is that he has a positive opinion of Serbs.
