A young man of only 21 years old died 15 minutes before the New Year


A young man of only 21 years old lost the battle with the crown on December 31, 15 minutes before midnight, with which we entered the New Year. Despite all our efforts, the child who was born in 1999 and who was on a ventilator sadly passed away. Before receiving the crown, he did not have any disease, but he was very obese. Obesity is a big problem with kovid, and the research will only determine why it is so, says in an interview with Kurir Dr. Tatjana Adzic Vukicevic, director of the kovid hospital in Batajnica, answering the question of how it was received in 2021 in that health institution.

How many patients do you have?

– The number is going down a little bit, but it’s around 500. Most of the patients were between Dec 13 and 534, and now we’re around 480-490, which is a bit lower inflow, but still there are patients from all over Serbia. There are 70 people in the intensive care unit, of which 39 are intubated. There used to be 87. So a slightly lower number, but still very high. The average age of those hospitalized is 68 years. We also have a 23-year-old girl on our ventilator, who is now the youngest intubated patient.

kovid hospital, Batajnica
photo: Marina Lopicic

You are convinced that the virus has mutated.

– The virus has a long duration, and if we look at November 2019, when the first cases of rare viral pneumonia were identified in the world, I am convinced that it mutated. The third wave is the most difficult clinical picture. And that’s exactly what leads me, as a clinician, because I’m not a researcher, to the conclusion that he mutated.

He clears his lungs, then continues?

– Cleanses the lungs and passes to other organs and systems. It also gives frequent thrombosis. So when a person is cured and goes home, the crown causes thrombosis and can lead to acute myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden heart failure, death … In the first wave, I was with Kovid patients for three months, when my home, the KCS Pulmonology Clinic, was on the kovid system. But in the second wave, when the Pneumology Clinic was not a covid, I looked at them all from the first wave. In fact, there were pulmonary emboli and thrombosis of the legs and the trunk and branches of the pulmonary artery, various situations.

Batajnica, hospital, kovid hospital
photo: Tamara Trajković

Does it have to do with age or anything else?

– It has nothing to do with age. These are also healthy young people, with no prior illnesses, who suffered crown thrombosis. Recovery, by the way, takes a long time, a month or two, three or even more. All people complain of hair loss due to heparin, corticosteroids, and the virus itself. To the enormous weakness, they are so devastated when they leave the hospital that they cannot shower.

Is there an amputation due to thrombosis?

– Just two days ago in Batajnica we had an amputation, and one the week before the previous one. In reality they are indications for amputation, which we do not do, but rather clinical-hospital centers with operating rooms. And it is a blockage of the large blood vessels. The man is 63-64 years old, not very old and had to have his entire right leg amputated.

Do you expect the growth of the infected due to the New Year?

– I thank the Serbian public for taking the appeals from us in white coats and from the people at the crisis headquarters extremely seriously and for adhering to the measures, both for the welcome and for the repetition. And if we continue to behave like this all together, with vaccines, we will win the crown, just as all diseases before it were defeated, starting with typhus, cholera, tuberculosis …

Do you estimate how long you will live in Batajnica?

– Since we are a covid hospital, we will be the last to get rid of patients. And as long as there are no patients, I will be with him. Vaccines will certainly help, but it’s still a distant future for me. In two or three months, you might know when I’ll be back home.

Daughter Dunja

Happy New Mom IV-3

As we talked on the phone, Dunja, a ten-year-old medical unit, also appeared in the background. – Say hello to my IV-3 class from primary school “Mihailo Petrović Alas” and teacher Aleksandra Kašarić and wish them all the best in the new year. And our mother prepared a stew, cake, dances for the New Year – says Dunja, who does not want us to publish the picture, while my mother adds:

– This morning, January 3, is the first morning that I caressed and kissed her when she got up on December 4, when Batajnica opened. I have been in the hospital every day since Saturday. Here, it’s 11 o’clock, and we’re still in our pajamas, Mom lying next to her and kissing her legs too. But as we speak, on another phone I am translating a cloak of blood on a KBC “Zemun” chair. I don’t even go to the bathroom without a phone.

Vaccination after Christmas: I had a crown and didn’t even know it

Did you have a crown?

– He had antibodies, which means he probably had a crown, but he didn’t have a clinical picture.

Does that mean you won’t be vaccinated?

– I will be vaccinated first, I will be the first to roll up my sleeves. We needed 500 vaccines for Batajnica, we need to get vaccinated after Christmas.

But why when you have antibodies?

– I have no more antibodies. They went and disappeared for three months.

Since I was in Batajnica: the flood was the hardest thing for me

Since you were at Kovid Hospital in Batajnica, what has been the most difficult for you?

– The video that the maniac posted on social networks was also flooded. Unfortunately, the pipeline broke, the damage was not great, the reaction was quick, and the authorities are investigating everything. They are also looking for those who enjoyed watching and filming the sinking of a beautiful new hospital and equipment that was bought bloodily with the money of the citizens of this small country. That scared me.

Jelena S. Spasić

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
