A young man (33) arrived at the hospital with a broken arm, as if he had aged during the night and was told that he ONLY had 24 HOURS OF LIFE left.


Young manager James McGill had a successful career as one of the seniors at Google when he broke his arm in December of last year. He went to the hospital because he noticed that his bone was not healing. Soon other unusual symptoms began that had nothing to do with the hand.

James was a Google office worker in Ireland and noted that he had various complications after breaking his arm. He began to lose his balance while walking, stumbled, and lost strength in his left leg. Soon after, he lost the ability to swallow food and then liquids.

James McGillPhoto: Private archive

James McGill

After the MRI, the young man was found to have lymphoma, a type of brain cancer.

Her weight was suddenly cut in half and two doctors told her that she would not live longer than 24 hours, at most a few more days.

To raise money to adapt their house to the condition of their friends, they launched the GoFundMe page.

“When they called me from the clinic, I called immediately. After they told me the diagnosis, I collapsed in my father’s arms. I collapsed when I realized what awaited me,” the young man told the Daily Mail.

After the operation that confirmed the tumor, the boy lost the opportunity to get out of bed.

“An additional pain was that I could not personally tell any of my friends because visits were prohibited due to the corona virus. I had to tell them this news via video call. It was clear how sick I was, I lost 59 kilograms in May. Until May. 37 pounds, ”says the young man.

“I remember being told the doctor said I was only 24 hours old, but I was in a trance and hallucinating about having dinner with Kim Kardashian at a London restaurant. After a few rounds of radiation, I started to feel a little better when I got over it. Now my goal is to spend the winter holidays with my family if I can. That would mean a lot to me. Knowing that there are so many people on my side, “says McGill.
